The benchmark was carried out on a 800MHz Pentium III with 1Gb of RAM. You can download the list of the polynomials used in the benchmark. Some nfgaloisconj records:
degree timing output polynomial
160 49mn 3850 kb polcompositum(x^20-2,polcyclo(20))
192 1h, 47mn 4873 kb polcompositum(x^24-5,polcyclo(24))
220 1h, 24mn 841 kb polresultant(x^22-2,subst(polcyclo(22),
252 1h, 7mn 922 kb polresultant(x^21-2,subst(polcyclo(21),
336 12h 12mn 2581 kb polresultant(x^28-2,subst(polcyclo(28),x,(a-2*x)*x^27/2))*2^12

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