CNRS Défi Imag’In Cavalieri

CAlcul des Variations pour L'Imagerie, l'Edition et la Recherche d'Images

Workshop on Optimal Transport and Optimization in Imaging
Registration Venue

Tuesday 11th

9h45-10h30:  C.-B. Schönlieb.Combined modelling of optimal transport and segmentation. Abstract

Coffee break

11h00-11h45:  N. Bonneel.Title. Abstract

11h45-12h00:  L. Chizat. Title. Abstract

Lunch break

14h00-14h45:  F. Iutzeler. Modified fixed points iterations and applications to randomized and accelerated optimization algorithms. Abstract

14h45-15h30:  C. Boyer. Adapting to unknown noise level in super-resolution. Abstract

15h30-16h00:  C. Poon. Geometric properties of solutions to the total variation denoising problem. Abstract

Coffee break

16h30-17h15:  B. Wirth. Optimal design of transport networks. Abstract

17H15-17h45:  E. Cazelles. Regularized Wasserstein barycenter. Abstract

17H45-18h15:  M. Schmitz. Not available. Abstract


Wednesday 12th


9h45-10h30:  B. Levy. Semi-discrete Optimal Transport in 3D: A Numerical Algorithm and Some Applications. Abstract

    Coffee break

11h00-11h45:  A. Gramfort. Optimal transport for statistics problem in neuroimaging. Abstract

11h45-12h15:  K. Modin.The polar decomposition as the limit of a lifted entropy gradient flow. Abstract

Lunch break

14h00-14h45:  E. Chouzenoux. Convergence analysis of a stochastic majorize-minimize memory gradient algorithm. Abstract

14h45-15h15:  P. Tan. Accelerated Alternating Descent Methods for Dystra-like Problems. Abstract

15h15-15h45:  Q. Denoyelle. Title. Abstract

Coffee break and conclusion of the Workshop