Stable Reduction of Curves and an Analog to a Theorem of Deuring

Abstract. Let $R$ be a complete mixed characteristic discrete valuation ring with algebraically closed residue field $k$ and field of fractions $K$. For a $p$-cyclic cover $X \rightarrow {\mathbb P}_K^1$ with branch locus $B$ we are interested in the stable reduction $X_R$ of $X$. In the case that $B$ consists of four rational points the cover can be given birationally by the equation $y^p=x(x-1)^\alpha (x-\lambda)^\beta$ and we determine $X_R$ in terms of data associated to this equation. In particular we obtain conditions for $X_R$ to be a smooth $R$-curve. Those conditions can be thought of as an analog to Deuring's theorem on good reduction of elliptic curves in terms of the $j$-invariant and they look quite similar. Finally for general $B$ we report on work in progress aiming at qualitative results on the special fiber $X_k=X_R \otimes_R k$.