Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, Project Team CARMEN, office B417.



  • Finite Element Method and unstructured meshes, application to medical problems.
  • Software developement, HPC environment and C++.


Thesis (2021 - … )

PhD student in Applied Mathematics at Bordeaux University under the supervision of Yves Coudière and Michael Leguèbe into the CARMEN Inria BSO team, IMB and IHU Liryc.

I am working on standardized simulation of cardiac electrical stimulation devices in the SimCardioTest european project.


  1. Pannetier V, Leguèbe M, Coudière Y, Walton R, Feuerstein D, Dhiver P, Amaro D “Modeling Cardiac Stimulation by a Pacemaker, with Accurate Tissue-Electrode Interface.” Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, Springer, 2023. Preprint.


  • Practical class, “Calcul scientifique en C++”, 2nd year of ENSEIRB-MATMECA

Master’s degree (2019 - 2021)

Numerical Modeling and High-Performance Computing at Bordeaux University.

  1. Intership supervised by Yves Coudière and Michael Leguèbe on “CL-monodomain equation in cardiac electrophysiology”, CARMEN Inria BSO team, 6 months.
  2. Intership supervised by Mario Ricchuito on “Solving the linear wave equation with congestion zone”, CARDAMON Inria BSO team, 3 months.
  • Tutoring for bachelor’s degrees
  • Tutor in mathematics for undergraduates
  • Participating in the association Math.En.Jeans

Bachelor’s degree (2015-2019)

Mathematical Engineering at Bordeaux University.

  1. Internship supervised by Lisl Weynans on “inverse problem and electrocardiography”, CARMEN Inria BSO team, 2 months.
  • Student exchange at Laval University at Quebec City, 1 year.
  • Participating in the association Math.En.Jeans, 2 years.