You can find all my publications in their newest version on ArXiv.

Published articles

  1. S. Bechtel and M. Egert: Interpolation theory for Sobolev functions with partially vanishing trace on irregular open sets, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 25 (2019), 2733– 2781.
  2. S. Bechtel, M. Egert, and R. Haller-Dintelmann: The Kato square root problem on locally uniform domains, Adv. Math. 375 (2020).
  3. S. Bechtel: The extension problem for fractional Sobolev spaces with a partial vanishing trace condition, Arch. Math. 117 (2021), 79–85.


  1. S. Bechtel, R. Brown, R. Haller-Dintelmann, and P. Tolksdorf: Sobolev extension operators for functions with partially vanishing trace, preprint 2021, submitted.