Distributed Vectors

An implementation of distributed vectors over several processors is proposed. With this implementation, some rows can be shared between processors. For instance, you can have the following distribution of rows:

Proc 0 Proc 1 Proc 2
Row numbers 0

In this example, we see that the row 0 is shared by the processors 0 and 2. We consider that a row number is mainly associated with a given processor, e.g. row 0 will be considered to belong mainly to processor 0, that is called original processor. Other processors that share this row number know that this row number belongs to the original processor. Therefore, you have to construct for each processor the array of these overlapped rows, i.e. rows that belong to an another processor. For the given example, we obtain the following arrays

Proc 0 Proc 1 Proc 2
Overlapped rows None 1 0

You notice that this array contains local numbers. For instance, the processor 1 has the global row 2 which is shared with processor 0, but we put in the array the local number of this row, i.e. 1. A distributed vector can be constructed by giving this array as argument or with a constructor by copy. For the default constructor, we consider that there are no shared rows, i.e. each row is associated only with one processor.

Usually, the use of distributed vectors is really only useful for iterative solvers. For such solvers, the functions DotProd, DotProdConj and Norm2 have been overloaded such that the iterative solvers can be used both in sequential (with Vector class) and in parallel (with DistributedVector class). For operations between distributed matrices and vectors, the distributed matrix contains all the informations needed to parallel computation, so that the user can give a usual vector (Vector class) for these functions.

Basic use

// the flag SELDON_WITH_MPI can be defined during the compilation (e.g. in Makefile)

#include "SeldonLib.hxx"

using namespace Seldon;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  InitSeldon(argc, argv);

  // if the rows are not shared, you can use the default constructor
  // processor 1 handles rows [0, 3, 5, 6]
  // processor 0 handles rows [1, 2, 4, 7]
  DistributedVector<double> Un;
  Un.SetCommunicator(MPI_COMM_WORLD); // you have to provide the MPI communicator
  DistributedVector<double> Vn(Un); // the communicator will be copied
  Un.Reallocate(4); Vn.Reallocate(4);
  // you can fill these vectors

  // and perform a dot product
  double res = DotProd(Un, Vn);

  // now we consider the case of shared rows
  // on each processor, you specify dofs that are already treated by another processor
  // for example if the processor 0 handles rows [0, 3, 5, 6] and
  // processor 1 the rows [1 2, 4, 5, 7], the row 5 is already treated by
  // processor 0. Of course, if each row is treated by a processor and only one
  // this array should be left empty
  IVect OverlapRow;
  int n = 4;
  if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
      n = 5;
      // be careful because OverlapRow stores local numbers
      // here the global row 5 has a local number equal to 3 on processor 1
      OverlapRow(0) = 3;

  // in the constructor, you need to provide this array and also the communicator 
  // (you can share a vector between the processors you want by
  // constructing the appropriate communicator)
  DistributedVector<double> U(OverlapRow, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  // another solution is to use the copy constructor
  DistributedVector<double> V(U);

  // you can use all the methods of a classical vector

  // functions DotProd, DotProdConj and Norm2 have been overloaded
  // so that iterative algorithms are working with distributed vectors
  // other functions have not been overloaded
  // here we assume that the distribution of rows is identical for U and V
  double scal = DotProd(U, V);

  return FinalizeSeldon();

Methods for distributed vectors :

SetOverlapRow sets the row numbers already handled by another processor and MPI communicator
GetNbOverlap returns the numbers of rows already handled by another processor
GetOverlapRow returns a row number already handled by another processor
GetCommunicator returns the communicator associated with the distributed vector
SetCommunicator sets the communicator associated with the distributed vector

Functions for distributed vectors :

DotProd returns the scalar product between distributed vectors
DotProdConj returns the scalar product between distributed vectors, the first one being conjugated
Norm2 returns the euclidian norm of a distributed vector
AssembleVectorMin Assembles a distributed vector by taking the minimum of two arrays
AssembleVector Assembles a distributed vector
ExchangeVector Exchanges values shared by processors
ExchangeRelaxVector Exchanges with relaxation values shared by processors



   void SetOverlapRow(const Vector<int>& rows, MPI_Comm comm);

This method sets the row numbers of rows that are already handled by another processor. It sets also the MPI communicator.

Example :

  IVect OverlapRow;
  DistributedVector<double> v;

  // for example, proc 0 contains rows [0, 2, 4, 5, 8]
  // and proc 1 contains rows [1, 2, 5, 6, 7]
  // rows 2 and 5 are already handled by proc 0
  // their local numbers are 1 and 2 and must be given in OverlapRow
  if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
    OverlapRow(0) = 1; OverlapRow(1) = 2;
  v.SetOverlapRow(OverlapRow, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

Location :

Class DistributedVector



  int GetNbOverlap() const;

This method returns the number of rows already treated by another processor. Each row is considered to belong to an "original" processor, other processors may share this row, and this will increment the number of overlapped rows.

Example :

// for example if the processor 0 handles rows [0, 3, 5, 6] and
// processor 1 the rows [1 2, 4, 5, 7], the row 5 is already treated by
// processor 0 :
IVect OverlapRow;
int n = 4;
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
    n = 5;
    // be careful because OverlapRow stores local numbers
    // here the global row 5 has a local number equal to 3 on processor 1
    OverlapRow(0) = 3;

DistributedVector<double> U(OverlapRow, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

// processor 0 should display 0, processor 1 should display 1
cout << "Number of overlapped rows : " << U.GetNbOverlap() << endl;

Location :

Class DistributedVector



  int GetOverlapRow(int );

This method returns the i-th row number already treated by another processor. Each row is considered to belong to an "original" processor, other processors may share this row, and the number of these overlapped rows are stored in an array, that can be retrieved by calling this function.

Example :

// for example if the processor 0 handles rows [0, 3, 5, 6] and
// processor 1 the rows [1 2, 4, 5, 7], the row 5 is already treated by
// processor 0 :
IVect OverlapRow;
int n = 4;
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
    n = 5;
    // be careful because OverlapRow stores local numbers
    // here the global row 5 has a local number equal to 3 on processor 1
    OverlapRow(0) = 3;

DistributedVector<double> U(OverlapRow, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

// returns the overlapped row number 0 (it should return 3)
int r = U.GetOverlapRow(0);

Location :

Class DistributedVector



  MPI_Comm& GetCommunicator();

This method returns the MPI communicator used to distribute the vector.

Example :

// for example if the processor 0 handles rows [0, 3, 5, 6] and
// processor 1 the rows [1 2, 4, 5, 7], the row 5 is already treated by
// processor 0 :
IVect OverlapRow;
int n = 4;
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
    n = 5;
    // be careful because OverlapRow stores local numbers
    // here the global row 5 has a local number equal to 3 on processor 1
    OverlapRow(0) = 3;

DistributedVector<double> U(OverlapRow, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

// returns the communicator (here it should return MPI_COMM_WORLD)
MPI_Comm& comm = U.GetCommunicator();

Location :

Class DistributedVector



  void SetCommunicator(MPI_Comm comm);

This method sets the MPI communicator used to distribute the vector.

Example :

// for example if the processor 0 handles rows [0, 3, 5, 6] and
// processor 1 the rows [1 2, 4, 7]
// no shared rows : you can use the default constructor
DistributedVector<double> U;

// but you have to set the MPI communicator (for collective routines)

Location :

Class DistributedVector



 T DotProd(const DistributedVector<T>&, const DistributedVector<T>&);

This method returns the scalar product between two distributed vectors. It is assumed that the values for shared rows are the same. The result of this function is the same for all processors of the MPI communicator.

Example :

// for example if the processor 0 handles rows [0, 3, 5, 6] and
// processor 1 the rows [1 2, 4, 5, 7], the row 5 is already treated by
// processor 0 :
IVect OverlapRow;
int n = 4;
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
    n = 5;
    // be careful because OverlapRow stores local numbers
    // here the global row 5 has a local number equal to 3 on processor 1
    OverlapRow(0) = 3;

DistributedVector<double> U(OverlapRow, MPI_COMM_WORLD), V(OverlapRow, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


// you notice that the value for global row 5 is the same
// for the two processors (2.5 for U and 1.7 for V)
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0)
    U(0) = -2.2; U(1) = 0.8; U(2) = 2.5; U(3) = 1.2;
    V(0) = -2.9; V(1) = 0.4; V(2) = 1.7; V(3) = 0.9;
    U(0) = 0.7; U(1) = 1.5; U(2) = 2.3; U(3) = 2.5; U(4) = -1.6;
    V(0) = 1.1; V(1) = 1.8; V(2) = -3.1; V(3) = 1.7; V(4) = -2.8;

// the result will be the same for the two processors
// and equal to 2.2 x 2.9 + 0.7 x 1.1 + 1.5 x 1.8 + 0.8 x 0.4 + 2.3 x -3.1 + 2.5 x 1.7 + 1.2 x 0.9 + 1.6 x 2.8
double res = DotProd(U, V);

Location :

Class DistributedVector



 T DotProdConj(const DistributedVector<T>&, const DistributedVector<T>&);

This method returns the scalar product between two distributed vectors, the first one being conjugated. It is assumed that the values for shared rows are the same. The result of this function is the same for all processors of the MPI communicator.

Example :

// for example if the processor 0 handles rows [0, 3, 5, 6] and
// processor 1 the rows [1 2, 4, 5, 7], the row 5 is already treated by
// processor 0 :
IVect OverlapRow;
int n = 4;
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
    n = 5;
    // be careful because OverlapRow stores local numbers
    // here the global row 5 has a local number equal to 3 on processor 1
    OverlapRow(0) = 3;

DistributedVector<complex<double>> U(OverlapRow, MPI_COMM_WORLD), V(OverlapRow, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


// you notice that the value for global row 5 is the same
// for the two processors ((2.5, 0.3) for U and (1.7, 0.4) for V)
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0)
    U(0) = -2.2; U(1) = 0.8; U(2) = complex<double>(2.5, 0.3); U(3) = 1.2;
    V(0) = -2.9; V(1) = 0.4; V(2) = complex<double>(1.7, 0.4); V(3) = 0.9;
    U(0) = 0.7; U(1) = 1.5; U(2) = 2.3; U(3) = complex<double>(2.5, 0.3); U(4) = -1.6;
    V(0) = 1.1; V(1) = 1.8; V(2) = -3.1; V(3) = complex<double>(1.7, 0.4); V(4) = -2.8;

// the result will be the same for the two processors
// and equal to 2.2 x 2.9 + 0.7 x 1.1 + 1.5 x 1.8 + 0.8 x 0.4 + 2.3 x -3.1 + (2.5-0.3i) x (1.7+0.4i) + 1.2 x 0.9 + 1.6 x 2.8
double res = DotProdConj(U, V);

Location :

Class DistributedVector



 Treal Norm2(const DistributedVector<T>&);

This method returns the euclidian norm. It is assumed that the values for shared rows are the same. The result of this function is the same for all processors of the MPI communicator.

Example :

// for example if the processor 0 handles rows [0, 3, 5, 6] and
// processor 1 the rows [1 2, 4, 5, 7], the row 5 is already treated by
// processor 0 :
IVect OverlapRow;
int n = 4;
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
    n = 5;
    // be careful because OverlapRow stores local numbers
    // here the global row 5 has a local number equal to 3 on processor 1
    OverlapRow(0) = 3;

DistributedVector<double> U(OverlapRow, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


// you notice that the value for global row 5 is the same
// for the two processors (2.5 for U)
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0)
    U(0) = -2.2; U(1) = 0.8; U(2) = 2.5; U(3) = 1.2;
    U(0) = 0.7; U(1) = 1.5; U(2) = 2.3; U(3) = 2.5; U(4) = -1.6;

// the result will be the same for the two processors
// and equal to sqrt(2.2 x 2.2 + 0.7 x 0.7 + 1.5 x 1.5 + 0.8 x 0.8 + 2.3 x 2.3 + 2.5 x 2.5 + 1.2 x 1.2 + 1.6 x 1.6)
double res = Norm2(U);

Location :

Class DistributedVector



 void AssembleVectorMin(IVect& x, IVect& x_proc, const IVect& proc_number, const Vector<IVect>& dof_number, const MPI_Comm& comm, int Nvol, int nb_u, int tag);

This method performs a reduction for the couple (x, x_proc) in order to store the minimum. It takes the lowest value for x_proc, then if there are two equal values, it takes the lowest value for x. Only rows shared between processors are affected by this procedure. proc_number/dof_number contains the local row numbers shared with other processors. Nvol is the number of rows for each scalar component, nb_u the number of scalar components, tag the tag number used in MPI communications. For each scalar component, it is assumed that the same row numbers are involved, that's why you can provide dof_number/proc_number only for this first unknown, and numbers for other components are obtained as m*Nvol + i where m is the component number and i the row number.

Example :

// for example, processor 0 owns columns (0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8)
// processor 1 columns (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8)
// processor 2 columns (3, 4, 6, 8)
IVect OverlapRow, proc_number, dof_number;
int nglob = 9, nloc;
// proc_number contains the processors that interact with the current processor
// dof_number(i) contains the local rows that are shared with processor i
// it is assumed that these numbers are "sorted", such that dof_number(i) on processor j correspond to dof_number(j) on processor i
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
    nloc = 6;
    // be careful because OverlapRow stores local numbers
    // here the global row 2 has a local number equal to 1 on processor 1
    OverlapRow(0) = 1; OverlapRow(1) = 4; OverlapRow(2) = 5;
    // global rows 2, 7, 8 are shared with processor 0
    // as for OverlapRow, local numbers are stored
    proc_number(0) = 0;
    dof_number(0)(0) = 1; dof_number(0)(1) = 4; dof_number(0)(2) = 5;

    // and global rows 4 and 8 are shared with processor 2
    proc_number(1) = 2;
    dof_number(1)(0) = 2; dof_number(1)(1) = 5;
else if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2)
    nloc = 4;
    // global rows 3, 4, 6, 8 are shared with processors 0 and 1
    OverlapRow(0) = 0; OverlapRow(1) = 1; OverlapRow(2) = 2; OverlapRow(3) = 3;

    // global rows 3, 6 and 8 are shared with processor 0
    proc_number(0) = 0;
    dof_number(0)(0) = 0; dof_number(0)(1) = 2; dof_number(0)(2) = 3;

    // global rows 4 and 8 are shared with processor 1
    proc_number(1) = 1;
    dof_number(1)(0) = 1; dof_number(1)(1) = 3;
    nloc = 6;
    proc_number(0) = 1;
    // global rows 2, 7 and 8 are shared with processor 1
    dof_number(0)(0) = 1; dof_number(0)(1) = 4; dof_number(0)(2) = 5; 

    // global rows 3, 6 and 8 are shared with processor 1
    dof_number(1)(0) = 2; dof_number(1)(1) = 3; dof_number(1)(2) = 5; 

// each processor constructs the arrays x and x_proc
IVect x(nloc), x_proc(nloc);

if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0)
    x(0) = 12;  x(1) = 9;  x(2) = 4;  x(3) = 5;  x(4) = 13;  x(5) = 7; 
    x_proc(0) = 0; x_proc(1) = 0; x_proc(2) = 2; x_proc(3) = 2; x_proc(4) = 0; x_proc(5) = 2;
else if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
    x(0) = 8;  x(1) = 6;  x(2) = 11;  x(3) = 5;  x(4) = 3;  x(5) = 9; 
    x_proc(0) = 1; x_proc(1) = 0; x_proc(2) = 2; x_proc(3) = 1; x_proc(4) = 1; x_proc(5) = 1;
    x(0) = 7;  x(1) = 8;  x(2) = 9;  x(3) = 4; 
    x_proc(0) = 1; x_proc(1) = 0; x_proc(2) = 2; x_proc(3) = 2;

// then the minimum (x_proc, x) is searched
AssembleVectorMin(x, x_proc, proc_number, dof_number, MPI_COMM_WORLD, nloc, 1, 1);

// the global result should be
// x =      (12, 8, 6, 2, 5, 5, 5, 13, 9)
// x_proc = (0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1)

// on processor 0:
// x = (12, 6, 7, 5, 13, 9)
// x_proc = (0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1)

// on processor 1:
// x = (8, 6, 8, 5, 13, 9)
// x_proc = (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1)

// on processor 2:
// x = (7, 8, 5, 9)
// x_proc = (1, 0, 2, 1)

Location :

Class DistributedVector



 void AssembleVector(Vector<T>& x, const MPI_Op& oper, const IVect& proc_number, const Vector<IVect>& dof_number, const MPI_Comm& comm, int Nvol, int nb_u, int tag);

This method performs a reduction for the vector x in order to store the sum/minimum or maximum (depending on the operation specified as oper) of values associated with shared rows. Only rows shared between processors are affected by this procedure. proc_number/dof_number contains the local row numbers shared with other processors. Nvol is the number of rows for each scalar component, nb_u the number of scalar components, tag the tag number used in MPI communications. For each scalar component, it is assumed that the same row numbers are involved, that's why you can provide dof_number/proc_number only for this first unknown, and numbers for other components are obtained as m*Nvol + i where m is the component number and i the row number.

Example :

// for example, processor 0 owns columns (0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8)
// processor 1 columns (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8)
// processor 2 columns (3, 4, 6, 8)
IVect OverlapRow, proc_number, dof_number;
int nglob = 9, nloc;
// proc_number contains the processors that interact with the current processor
// dof_number(i) contains the local rows that are shared with processor i
// it is assumed that these numbers are "sorted", such that dof_number(i) on processor j correspond to dof_number(j) on processor i
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
    nloc = 6;
    // be careful because OverlapRow stores local numbers
    // here the global row 2 has a local number equal to 1 on processor 1
    OverlapRow(0) = 1; OverlapRow(1) = 4; OverlapRow(2) = 5;
    // global rows 2, 7, 8 are shared with processor 0
    // as for OverlapRow, local numbers are stored
    proc_number(0) = 0;
    dof_number(0)(0) = 1; dof_number(0)(1) = 4; dof_number(0)(2) = 5;

    // and global rows 4 and 8 are shared with processor 2
    proc_number(1) = 2;
    dof_number(1)(0) = 2; dof_number(1)(1) = 5;
else if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2)
    nloc = 4;
    // global rows 3, 4, 6, 8 are shared with processors 0 and 1
    OverlapRow(0) = 0; OverlapRow(1) = 1; OverlapRow(2) = 2; OverlapRow(3) = 3;

    // global rows 3, 6 and 8 are shared with processor 0
    proc_number(0) = 0;
    dof_number(0)(0) = 0; dof_number(0)(1) = 2; dof_number(0)(2) = 3;

    // global rows 4 and 8 are shared with processor 1
    proc_number(1) = 1;
    dof_number(1)(0) = 1; dof_number(1)(1) = 3;
    nloc = 6;
    proc_number(0) = 1;
    // global rows 2, 7 and 8 are shared with processor 1
    dof_number(0)(0) = 1; dof_number(0)(1) = 4; dof_number(0)(2) = 5; 

    // global rows 3, 6 and 8 are shared with processor 1
    dof_number(1)(0) = 2; dof_number(1)(1) = 3; dof_number(1)(2) = 5; 

// each processor constructs the array x
IVect x(nloc);
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0)
    x(0) = 12;  x(1) = 9;  x(2) = 4;  x(3) = 5;  x(4) = 13;  x(5) = 7; 
else if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
    x(0) = 8;  x(1) = 6;  x(2) = 11;  x(3) = 5;  x(4) = 3;  x(5) = 9; 
    x(0) = 7;  x(1) = 8;  x(2) = 9;  x(3) = 4; 

// then if MPI_SUM is required, values are added
AssembleVector(x, MPI_SUM, proc_number, dof_number, MPI_COMM_WORLD, nloc, 1, 1);

// the global result should be
// x =      (12, 8, 15, 11, 19, 5, 14, 16, 20)

// on processor 0:
// x = (12, 15, 11, 14, 16, 20)

// on processor 1:
// x = (8, 15, 19, 5, 16, 20)

// on processor 2:
// x = (11, 19, 14, 20)

Location :

Class DistributedVector



 void ExchangeVector(Vector<T>& x, const IVect& proc_number, const Vector<IVect>& dof_number, const MPI_Comm& comm, int Nvol, int nb_u, int tag);

This method performs an exchange of values of x for the shared rows. Only rows shared between processors are affected by this procedure. The exchange is effective mainly if each row is shared by at most two processors. If a row is shared by three processors or more, the value associated with the processor of largest rank will be preferred during the exchange. proc_number/dof_number contains the local row numbers shared with other processors. Nvol is the number of rows for each scalar component, nb_u the number of scalar components, tag the tag number used in MPI communications. For each scalar component, it is assumed that the same row numbers are involved, that's why you can provide dof_number/proc_number only for this first unknown, and numbers for other components are obtained as m*Nvol + i where m is the component number and i the row number.

Example :

// for example, processor 0 owns columns (0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8)
// processor 1 columns (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8)
// processor 2 columns (3, 4, 6, 8)
IVect OverlapRow, proc_number, dof_number;
int nglob = 9, nloc;
// proc_number contains the processors that interact with the current processor
// dof_number(i) contains the local rows that are shared with processor i
// it is assumed that these numbers are "sorted", such that dof_number(i) on processor j correspond to dof_number(j) on processor i
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
    nloc = 6;
    // be careful because OverlapRow stores local numbers
    // here the global row 2 has a local number equal to 1 on processor 1
    OverlapRow(0) = 1; OverlapRow(1) = 4; OverlapRow(2) = 5;
    // global rows 2, 7, 8 are shared with processor 0
    // as for OverlapRow, local numbers are stored
    proc_number(0) = 0;
    dof_number(0)(0) = 1; dof_number(0)(1) = 4; dof_number(0)(2) = 5;

    // and global rows 4 and 8 are shared with processor 2
    proc_number(1) = 2;
    dof_number(1)(0) = 2; dof_number(1)(1) = 5;
else if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2)
    nloc = 4;
    // global rows 3, 4, 6, 8 are shared with processors 0 and 1
    OverlapRow(0) = 0; OverlapRow(1) = 1; OverlapRow(2) = 2; OverlapRow(3) = 3;

    // global rows 3, 6 and 8 are shared with processor 0
    proc_number(0) = 0;
    dof_number(0)(0) = 0; dof_number(0)(1) = 2; dof_number(0)(2) = 3;

    // global rows 4 and 8 are shared with processor 1
    proc_number(1) = 1;
    dof_number(1)(0) = 1; dof_number(1)(1) = 3;
    nloc = 6;
    proc_number(0) = 1;
    // global rows 2, 7 and 8 are shared with processor 1
    dof_number(0)(0) = 1; dof_number(0)(1) = 4; dof_number(0)(2) = 5; 

    // global rows 3, 6 and 8 are shared with processor 1
    dof_number(1)(0) = 2; dof_number(1)(1) = 3; dof_number(1)(2) = 5; 

// each processor constructs the array x
IVect x(nloc);
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0)
    x(0) = 12;  x(1) = 9;  x(2) = 4;  x(3) = 5;  x(4) = 13;  x(5) = 7; 
else if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
    x(0) = 8;  x(1) = 6;  x(2) = 11;  x(3) = 5;  x(4) = 3;  x(5) = 9; 
    x(0) = 7;  x(1) = 8;  x(2) = 9;  x(3) = 4; 

// values are exchanged, for exemple x(1) will be equal to 6 for proc 0 and 9 for proc 1
ExchangeVector(x, proc_number, dof_number, MPI_COMM_WORLD, nloc, 1, 1);

// the global result is not defined, since each processor has different values

// on processor 0:
// x = (12, 6, 7, 9, 3, 4)

// on processor 1:
// x = (8, 9, 8, 5, 13, 4)

// on processor 2:
// x = (4, 11, 5, 9)

Location :

Class DistributedVector



 void ExchangeRelaxVector(Vector<T>& x, const Treal& omega, int proc,
                          const IVect& proc_number, const Vector<IVect>& dof_number, const MPI_Comm& comm, int Nvol, int nb_u, int tag);

The processor proc sends its values to other processors. The other processors perform a relaxation process between the old value already present and the new value received. Only rows shared between processors are affected by this procedure. proc_number/dof_number contains the local row numbers shared with other processors. Nvol is the number of rows for each scalar component, nb_u the number of scalar components, tag the tag number used in MPI communications. For each scalar component, it is assumed that the same row numbers are involved, that's why you can provide dof_number/proc_number only for this first unknown, and numbers for other components are obtained as m*Nvol + i where m is the component number and i the row number.

Example :

// for example, processor 0 owns columns (0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8)
// processor 1 columns (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8)
// processor 2 columns (3, 4, 6, 8)
IVect OverlapRow, proc_number, dof_number;
int nglob = 9, nloc;
// proc_number contains the processors that interact with the current processor
// dof_number(i) contains the local rows that are shared with processor i
// it is assumed that these numbers are "sorted", such that dof_number(i) on processor j correspond to dof_number(j) on processor i
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
    nloc = 6;
    // be careful because OverlapRow stores local numbers
    // here the global row 2 has a local number equal to 1 on processor 1
    OverlapRow(0) = 1; OverlapRow(1) = 4; OverlapRow(2) = 5;
    // global rows 2, 7, 8 are shared with processor 0
    // as for OverlapRow, local numbers are stored
    proc_number(0) = 0;
    dof_number(0)(0) = 1; dof_number(0)(1) = 4; dof_number(0)(2) = 5;

    // and global rows 4 and 8 are shared with processor 2
    proc_number(1) = 2;
    dof_number(1)(0) = 2; dof_number(1)(1) = 5;
else if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2)
    nloc = 4;
    // global rows 3, 4, 6, 8 are shared with processors 0 and 1
    OverlapRow(0) = 0; OverlapRow(1) = 1; OverlapRow(2) = 2; OverlapRow(3) = 3;

    // global rows 3, 6 and 8 are shared with processor 0
    proc_number(0) = 0;
    dof_number(0)(0) = 0; dof_number(0)(1) = 2; dof_number(0)(2) = 3;

    // global rows 4 and 8 are shared with processor 1
    proc_number(1) = 1;
    dof_number(1)(0) = 1; dof_number(1)(1) = 3;
    nloc = 6;
    proc_number(0) = 1;
    // global rows 2, 7 and 8 are shared with processor 1
    dof_number(0)(0) = 1; dof_number(0)(1) = 4; dof_number(0)(2) = 5; 

    // global rows 3, 6 and 8 are shared with processor 1
    dof_number(1)(0) = 2; dof_number(1)(1) = 3; dof_number(1)(2) = 5; 

// each processor constructs the array x
Vector<double> x(nloc);
if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0)
    x(0) = 12;  x(1) = 9;  x(2) = 4;  x(3) = 5;  x(4) = 13;  x(5) = 7; 
else if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 1)
    x(0) = 8;  x(1) = 6;  x(2) = 11;  x(3) = 5;  x(4) = 3;  x(5) = 9; 
    x(0) = 7;  x(1) = 8;  x(2) = 9;  x(3) = 4; 

// then for example, processor 0 can send its values
ExchangeRelaxVector(x, double(0.5), 0, proc_number, dof_number, MPI_COMM_WORLD, nloc, 1, 1);

// the global result is not defined, since each processor has different values

// on processor 0:
// (not modified since this processor only sends values)
// x = (12, 9, 4, 5, 13, 7)

// on processor 1:
// x = (8, 7.5, 11, 5, 8, 8)

// on processor 2:
// x = (5.5, 8, 7, 5.5)

Location :

Class DistributedVector