Index of Seldon Functions and Methods.

Methods (ie member functions) are associated with the class indicated between parenthesis. If no parenthesis is present after the name, it is a function.

absSquare returns the square modulus of a number
Add adds two vectors/matrices
Add adds a distributed matrix to another one
AddDistantInteraction (DistributedMatrix) adds a value to A(i, j) where i is local and j global
AddInteraction (Vector<T, VectSparse>) adds a coefficient to the vector
AddInteractionRow (Vector<T, VectSparse>) adds coefficients to the vector
AddInteraction (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) adds/inserts an element in the matrix
AddInteractionColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) adds/inserts elements in a matrix column
AddInteractionRow (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) adds/inserts an element in a matrix row
AddRowDistantInteraction (DistributedMatrix) adds a value to A(i, j) where i is global and j local
Allocate (ArpackSolver) allocation of internal arrays
Append (Vector<T>) appends an element to the end of the vector
ApplyInversePermutation permutes row and column numbers of a matrix
ApplyInversePermutation applies the inverse of a permutation to a distributed matrix
ApplyPermutation applies a permutation (rows and columns) to a distributed matrix
ApplyModifRot applies rotation to 2-D points
ApplyPermutation permutes row and column numbers of a matrix
ApplyRot applies rotation to 2-D points
ApplyScalingEigenvec applies spectral transformation to eigenvalues/eigenvectors
ApplySor (VirtualMatrix) performs a over-relaxation step
Assemble assembles a vector
Assemble (Vector<T, VectSparse>) sorts row numbers (duplicate values are summed)
Assemble (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) assembles the matrix (duplicate values are summed)
AssembleDistributed assembles a distributed matrix
AssembleImagRow / AssembleImagColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) assembles a row of imaginary part
AssembleRealRow / AssembleRealColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) assembles a row of real part
AssembleRow / AssembleColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) assembles a row
AssembleVector Assembles a distributed vector
AssembleVectorMin Assembles a distributed vector by taking the minimum of two arrays
BiCg BIConjugate Gradient
BiCgcr BIConjugate Gradient Conjugate Residual
BiCgStab BIConjugate Gradient STABilized
BiCgStabl BIConjugate Gradient STABilized (L)
Cg Conjugate Gradient
Cgne Conjugate Gradient Normal Equation
Cgs Conjugate Gradient Squared
CheckBounds Checks if the indexes of an array/matrix are out of bounds
CheckBoundsSym Checks if the indexes of a symmetric matrix are out of bounds
CheckBoundsTriang Checks if the indexes of a triangular matrix are out of bounds
CheckParameter (ArpackSolver) Checking input parameters
Clear (Vector) removes all elements of the vector
Clear (Vector<T, VectSparse>) removes all elements of the vector
Clear (VirtualMatrix) removes all elements of the matrix
Clear (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) removes all elements of the matrix
Clear (Array3D<T>) removes all elements of the 3-D array
Clear (Array4D<T>) removes all elements of the 4-D array
Clear (Array<T, N>) removes all elements of the N-D array
Clear (Vector2) removes all elements of an inner or outer vector
Clear (Vector3) removes all elements of an inner or outer vector
Clear (SparseDirectSolver) Releases memory used by factorization
Clear(IlutPreconditioning) clears memory used by incomplete factorisation
Clear (EigenProblem_Base) Clears memory used by factorizations (if any present)
Clear (ArpackSolver) Clears memory used by internal arrays
Clear (DistributedMatrix) erases the matrix
Clear (DistributedMatrixIntegerArray) clears stored arrays
ClearArpackVerbose (ArpackSolver) returns to silent mode
ClearImagRow / ClearImagColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) clears a row of imaginary part
ClearRealRow / ClearRealColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) clears a row of real part
ClearRow / ClearColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) clears a row
CoCg Conjugate Orthogonal Conjugate Gradient
ComplexAbs returns the modulus of a number
ComputeAndFactorizeStiffnessMatrix (EigenProblem_Base) Computation and factorization of a M + b K
ComputeDiagonalMass (EigenProblem_Base) Computation of diagonal of M
ComputeMassForCholesky (EigenProblem_Base) Computes the mass matrix for a Cholesky factorization
ComputeMassMatrix (EigenProblem_Base) Computation of mass matrix M
ComputeOperator (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) computes a linear combination of matrices Ai
ComputeSolution (EigenProblem_Base) Solves (a M + b K) x = b by using factorization
ComputeStiffnessMatrix (EigenProblem_Base) Computation of stiffness matrix K
conjugate returns the conjugate of a number
Conjugate conjugates a vector/matrix
Conjugate computes the conjugate of a distributed matrix
ConstructArrays (DistributedMatrixIntegerArray) constructs stored arrays from global row numbers
ConstructPreconditioner (HyprePreconditioner) Constructs the preconditioning by calling Hypre
Continue (ArpackSolver) performs one step of the algorithm, returns true if the iterative algorithm has ended
ConvertMatrix_from_Coordinates conversion of a matrix given as a triplet (i, j, val) to a sparse matrix
ConvertMatrix_to_Coordinates conversion of a sparse matrix into coordinates format
ConvertToCSC converts a sparse matrix to CSC (Compressed Sparse Column) format
ConvertToCSR converts a sparse matrix to CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) format
ConvertToSparse converts dense matrices to sparse matrices by specifying a threshold.
Copy copies one vector into another one
Copy (Vector) copies a vector
Copy copies a sparse matrix into another one (conversion of format if needed)
Copy (Vector<T, VectSparse>) copies a vector
Copy (Matrix<T>) copies a matrix
Copy Copies/Converts a distributed matrix into another one
Copy (Array3D<T>) copies a 3-D array
Copy (Array4D<T>) copies a 4-D array
Copy (Array<T, N>) copies a N-D array
Copy (Vector2) copies a vector of vectors
CopySubMatrix extracts a sub-matrix from a sparse matrix
Deallocate (ArpackSolver) deallocation of internal arrays
DiagonalMass (EigenProblem_Base) Returns true if eigenvalues of M-1/2 K M-1/2are searched (M diagonal)
DiagonalMass (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) returns true if the mass matrix is diagonal
DisableOutOfCore(MatrixMumps) Disable out-of-core computations
DistributeEigenvectors (GeneralEigenProblem) Distributes eigenvectors among processors (parallel)
DoNotRefineSolution(SparseDirectSolver) Does not refine the solution when calling solve
DotProd scalar product between two vectors
DotProd returns the scalar product between distributed vectors
DotProdConj scalar product between two vectors, first vector being conjugated
DotProdConj returns the scalar product between distributed vectors, the first one being conjugated
EnableCommandLineOptions (SlepcParamNep) allows the user to provide parameters of the solver through the command line
EnableEstimateNumberEigenval (FeastParam) Asks Feast to estimate the number of eigenvalues contained in the selected region
EnableOutOfCore(MatrixMumps) Enables out-of-core computations
ExchangeVector Exchanges values shared by processors
ExchangeRelaxVector Exchanges with relaxation values shared by processors
ErrorCode (Iteration) returns error code
EraseCol erases columns in the distributed matrix
EraseCol erases several columns of a sparse matrix
EraseRow erases rows in the distributed matrix
EraseRow erases several rows of a sparse matrix
EstimateNumberEigenval (FeastParam) returns true if we require an estimate of the number of eigenvalues contained in the selected region
Factorize (SparseDirectSolver) Performs the factorization of a sparse matrix
Factorize (SparseCholeskySolver) Performs the factorization of a sparse matrix
Factorize (SparseDistributedSolver) Factorize a sequential matrix or a distributed matrix
Factorize (DistributedCholeskySolver) Factorize a sequential matrix or a distributed matrix
FactorizeCholeskyMass (EigenProblem_Base) Computation of Cholesky factor L of mass matrix (M = L LT
FactorizeDiagonalMass (EigenProblem_Base) Computation of M1/2, once M is known
FactorizeDistributed (SparseDirectSolver) Performs the factorization of a distributed matrix (parallel execution)
FactorizeMass (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) factorizes the mass matrix
FactorizeMatrix(MatrixCholmod) Factorizes a matrix using cholmod
FactorizeMatrix(MatrixMumps) Factorizes a matrix using Mumps
FactorizeMatrix(MatrixPardiso) Factorizes a matrix using Pardiso
FactorizeMatrix(MatrixPastix) Factorizes a matrix using Pastix
FactorizeMatrix(SparseSeldonSolver) Factorizes a matrix using Seldon
FactorizeMatrix(MatrixSuperLU) Factorizes a matrix using SuperLU
FactorizeMatrix(MatrixUmfPack) Factorizes a matrix using UmfPack
FactorizeMatrix(MatrixWsmp) Factorizes a matrix using Wsmp
FactorizeMatrix (IlutPreconditioning) performs incomplete factorisation
FactorizeOperator (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) factorizes a linear combination of matrices Ai
Fail (Iteration) informs that the iterative solver failed
Fill (Vector) sets all elements to a given value
Fill (Vector<T, VectSparse>) sets all elements to a given value
Fill (Matrix<T>) sets all elements to a given value
Fill (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) sets all elements to a given value
Fill (Array3D<T>) sets all elements to a given value
Fill (Array4D<T>) sets all elements to a given value
Fill (Array<T, N>) sets all elements to a given value
Fill (Vector2) fills outer or inner vectors with the same value
Fill (Vector3) fills outer or inner vectors with the same value
Fill (DistributedMatrix) fills non-zero entries with 0, 1, 2, etc
FillComplexEigenvectors (GeneralEigenProblem) Fills complex eigenvectors (instead of using Lapack form)
FillRand (Vector) fills randomly the vector
FillRand (Vector<T, VectSparse>) fills randomly the vector
FillRand (Matrix<T>) fills randomly the matrix
FillRand (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) fills randomly the matrix
FillRand (Array3D<T>) fills randomly the elements
FillRand (Array4D<T>) fills randomly the elements
FillRand (Array<T, N>) fills randomly the elements
FillRand (DistributedMatrix) fills non-zero entries with random values
FinalizeSeldon initializes Seldon (at the beginning of the program)
FindEigenvaluesArpack computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a given problem by calling Arpack
FindEigenvaluesFeast computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a given problem by calling Feast
FindEigenvaluesSlepc computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a given problem by calling Slepc
FindOrdering(MatrixMumps) computes matrix ordering to reduce fill-in during factorisation
FindSparseOrdering computes matrix ordering to reduce fill-in during factorisation
Finish (ArpackSolver) completes computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Finished (Iteration) returns true if the stopping criteria are satisfied
First (Iteration) returns true for the first iteration
Flatten (Vector2) copies the elements into a simple vector
Flatten (Vector3) copies the elements into a simple vector
FullBasis (SlepcParamNep) returns true if a full basis in nep solver is used
GatherSparseEntry fills a sparse vector with a dense one
GatherSparseEntryZero fills a sparse vector with a dense one, the dense vector is zeroed.
Gauss basic Gauss pivoting for dense matrices.
GaussSeidel performs a Gauss-Seidel iteration for dense matrices.
Gcr Generalized Conjugate Residual
Get (Matrix<T>) returns reference to A(i, j)
Get (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) returns reference to A(i, j)
GetAdditionalFillNumber (IlutPreconditioning) returns the number of additional elements per row (used for ILUT(k))
GetAnasaziParameters (EigenProblem_Base) Returns the class storing parameters specific to Anasazi
GetAndSolveLU factorisation and resolution of a linear system
GetAngleEllipseSpectrum (FeastParam) Gets the angle of the ellipse where eigenvalues are searched
GetBaseString returns the base (without the extension) of a file name
GetBlockSize (SlepcParam) Returns the block size
GetBorthogonalization (SlepcParam) Returns the orthogonalization used in GD/JD solver
GetCholesky performs a Cholesky factorization of a sparse matrix
GetCholesky performs a Cholesky (A = LLT) factorization for symmetric positive definite matrices
GetCircleCenterSpectrum (FeastParam) Gets the center of the circle where eigenvalues are searched
GetCircleRadiusSpectrum (FeastParam) Gets the radius of the circle where eigenvalues are searched
GetCol extracts a matrix column
GetCol extracts a column of a distributed matrix
GetColPermutation(MatrixSuperLU) returns the permutation used for the rows
GetColSum sums absolute values of non-zero entries by column
GetColSum computes the sum of absolute values for each column of distributed matrices
GetCommunicator (DistributedVector) returns the communicator associated with the distributed vector
GetCommunicator (DistributedMatrix) returns the MPI communicator associated with the matrix
GetCommunicator (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns the MPI communicator associated with the eigenvalue problem
GetComparisonEigenvalueSlepc (GeneralEigenProblem) compares two eigenvalues with a user-defined function
GetComplexShift (GeneralEigenProblem) Forms a complex shift from real/imaginary part
GetConvergedNumber (ArpackSolver) returns the number of converged eigenvalues
GetComputationalMode (EigenProblem_Base) Returns the computational mode used (regular, shifted, ...)
GetData (Vector) returns a pointer to the array contained in the vector
GetData (Vector<T, VectSparse>) returns a pointer to the values
GetData (Matrix<T>) returns a pointer to the array containing the values
GetData (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) returns a pointer to the array containing the values
GetData (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) returns a pointer to the array containing the values
GetData (Array3D<T>) returns a pointer to the array containing the values
GetData (Array4D<T>) returns a pointer to the array containing the values
GetData (Array<T, N>) returns a pointer to the array containing the values
GetDataConst (Vector) returns a pointer to the array contained in the vector
GetDataConst (Vector<T, VectSparse>) returns a pointer to the values
GetDataConst (Matrix<T>) returns a pointer to the array containing the values
GetDataConstVoid (Vector) returns a pointer to the array contained in the vector
GetDataConstVoid (Vector<T, VectSparse>) returns a pointer to the values
GetDataConstVoid (Matrix<T>) returns a pointer to the array containing the values
GetDataPointer (Array3D<T>) returns a pointer to A(i, j, k)
GetDataPointer (Array4D<T>) returns a pointer to A(i, j, k, l)
GetDataSize (Vector) returns the number of elements in the vector
GetDataSize (Vector<T, VectSparse>) returns the number of elements in the vector
GetDataSize (Matrix<T>) returns the number of elements effectively stored
GetDataSize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) returns the number of elements effectively stored
GetDataSize (Array3D<T>) returns the number of elements effectively stored
GetDataSize (Array4D<T>) returns the number of elements effectively stored
GetDataSize (Array<T, N>) returns the number of elements effectively stored
GetDataSize (DistributedMatrix) returns the number of non-zero entries stored in the matrix
GetDataVoid (Vector) returns a pointer to the array contained in the vector
GetDataVoid (Vector<T, VectSparse>) returns a pointer to the values
GetDataVoid (Matrix<T>) returns a pointer to the array containing the values
GetDiagonalCoefficient (IlutPreconditioning) returns diagonal coefficient used in ILUD
GetDirectSolver (SparseDirectSolver) Returns the direct solver that will be used during the factorization
GetDirectSolver (SplitSparseNonLinearEigenProblem) returns the direct solver used for preconditioning
GetDistantColSize (DistributedMatrix) returns the number of distant non-zero entries for row i
GetDistantRowSize (DistributedMatrix) returns the number of distant non-zero entries for column i
GetDoubleExpansion (SlepcParam) Returns the double expansion flag used in GD/JD solver
GetDroppingThreshold (IlutPreconditioning) returns threshold to determine elements to drop in ilut preconditioning
GetEigenvalues computes eigenvalues
GetEigensolverType (AnasaziParam) Returns the eigensolver to use in Anasazi
GetEigensolverType (SlepcParam) Returns the eigensolver to use
GetEigensolverType (SlepcParamPep) returns the eigensolver to use in PEP
GetEigensolverType (SlepcParamNep) returns the eigensolver to use in NEP
GetEigensolverChar (SlepcParam) Returns the eigensolver to use (as a string)
GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors
GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors computes some eigenvalues and eigenvectors of sparse matrices
GetEigenValue (ArpackSolver) returns i-th eigenvalue
GetEigenVector (ArpackSolver) returns pointer to i-th eigenvector
GetExtension returns the extension (without the point) of a file name
GetExtractionType (SlepcParam) Returns the type of extraction to use in CISS
GetFactorisationType(IlutPreconditioning) returns the type of incomplete factorisation
GetFeastParameters (EigenProblem_Base) Returns the class storing parameters specific to FEAST
GetFeastParameters (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) returns the parameters for Feast
GetFillLevel (IlutPreconditioning) returns the fill-level k (if ILU(k) is set)
GetFirstWorkVector (ArpackSolver) returns pointer to first working vector
GetGlobalCommunicator (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns the global MPI communicator associated with the eigenvalue problem
GetGlobalM (DistributedMatrix) returns the global number of rows
GetGlobalM (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns the global number of rows of the eigenproblem
GetGlobalRankCommunicator (GeneralEigenProblem) Gets the rank of the processor in the global MPI communicator
GetGlobalRowNumber (DistributedMatrix) returns local to global numbering
GetHessenberg reduces a dense matrix to its Hessenberg form
GetImag (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) returns a reference to imaginary part of A(i, j)
GetImagData (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) returns a pointer to the array containing the values of the imaginary part
GetImagDataSize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) returns the number of elements effectively stored for the imaginary part
GetImagInd (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) returns a pointer to the array containing the column indexes of the imaginary part
GetImagIndSize (Matrix<T, General, RowComplexSparse>) returns size of array Ind of imaginary part
GetImagNonZeros (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) returns the number of elements effectively stored for the imaginary part
GetImagPtr (Matrix<T, General, RowComplexSparse>) returns size of array Ptr of imaginary part
GetImagPtrSize (Matrix<T, General, RowComplexSparse>) returns a pointer to the array containing row numbers of imaginary part
GetImagRowSize / GetImagColumnSize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) returns the number of elements in the row of imaginary part
GetImagShiftValue (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns imaginary part of the shift (real unsymmetric problem)
GetInd (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) returns a pointer to the array containing column numbers
GetIndex (Vector<T, VectSparse>) returns a pointer to the row numbers
GetIndex (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) returns a pointer to the array containing column numbers
GetIndSize (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) returns size of array Ind
GetInfoFactorization (SparseDirectSolver) Returns an error code associated with the factorisation (0 if successful)
GetInfoFlag (ArpackSolver) returns info parameter (result of iterative algorithm)
GetInitialSize (SlepcParam) Returns the initial size used in GD/JD solver
GetInnerSteps (SlepcParam) Returns the number of inner steps
GetInterpolationDegree (SlepcParamNep) returns the polynomial degree to use for the interpolation
GetInterpolationTolerance (SlepcParamNep) returns the threshold to use for the interpolation
GetInverse computes the matrix inverse
GetKrylovRestart (SlepcParam) Returns the Krylov start flag used in GD/JD solver
GetLength (Vector) returns the number of elements in the vector
GetLength (Vector<T, VectSparse>) returns the number of elements in the vector
GetLength (Array<T, N>) returns the number of elements along a dimension of the array
GetLength (Vector2) returns the size of inner vectors or outer vectors
GetLength ((Vector3) returns the size of inner vectors or outer vectors
GetLength1 (Array3D<T>) returns the number of elements in the first dimension of 3-D array
GetLength1 (Array4D<T>) returns the number of elements in the first dimension of 4-D array
GetLength2 (Array3D<T>) returns the number of elements in the second dimension of 3-D array
GetLength2 (Array4D<T>) returns the number of elements in the second dimension of 4-D array
GetLength3 (Array3D<T>) returns the number of elements in the third dimension of 3-D array
GetLength3 (Array4D<T>) returns the number of elements in the third dimension of 4-D array
GetLength4 (Array4D<T>) returns the number of elements in the fourth dimension of 4-D array
GetLiMin (SlepcParamNep) returns the minimal value of imaginary part of λ
GetLiMax (SlepcParamNep) returns the maximal value of imaginary part of lambda
GetLocalM (DistributedMatrix) returns the local number of rows
GetLocalN (DistributedMatrix) returns the local number of rows
GetLowerBoundInterval (FeastParam) Returns the lower bound for the interval where eigenvalues are searched (Feast)
GetLowerTriangular extracts lower triangular part of a matrix
GetLQ LQ factorization of matrix
GetLrMin (SlepcParamNep) returns the minimal value of real part of λ
GetLrMax (SlepcParamNep) returns the maximal value of real part of lambda
GetLU performs a LU (or LDL^t) factorization
GetLU performs a LU factorization of a sparse matrix
GetM (Vector) returns the number of elements in the vector
GetM (Vector<T, VectSparse>) returns the number of non-zero entries in the vector
GetM (VirtualMatrix) returns the number of rows in the matrix
GetM (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) returns the number of rows in the matrix
GetM (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns the local number of rows of the eigenproblem
GetM (SparseDirectSolver) Returns the number of rows of the factorized linear system
GetMaxAbsIndex returns index where highest absolute value is reached
GetMaxDataSizeDistantCol (DistributedMatrix) returns the number of values in distant columns stored in all the processors
GetMaxDataSizeDistantRow (DistributedMatrix) returns the number of values in distant rows stored in all the processors
GetMaximumBlockSize (SlepcParam) Returns the maximum block size
GetMemorySize (Vector<T, VectSparse>) returns the memory used to store the vector in bytes
GetMemorySize (DistributedMatrix) returns the size used by this object in bytes
GetMemorySize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) returns the memory used to store the matrix in bytes
GetMemorySize (Array3D<T>) returns the memory used to store the array
GetMemorySize (Array4D<T>) returns the memory used to store the array
GetMemorySize(SparseDirectSolver) returns the memory used by the solver in bytes
GetMemorySize (Vector2) returns the memory used by the object in bytes
GetMemorySize (Vector3) returns the memory used by the object in bytes
GetMethod (SlepcParam) Returns the method to use in PRIMME solver
GetMomentSize (SlepcParam) Returns the moment size
GetN (VirtualMatrix) returns the number of columns in the matrix
GetN (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) returns the number of columns in the matrix
GetN (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns the local number of columns of the eigenproblem
GetN (SparseDirectSolver) Returns the number of columns of the factorized linear system
GetNbAdditionalEigenvalues (EigenProblem_Base) Returns the number of additional eigenvalues (workaround due to Arpack bug)
GetNbArnoldiVectors (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns the number of Arnoldi vectors
GetNbAskedEigenvalues (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns the number of wanted eigenvalues
GetNbBlocks (AnasaziParam) Returns the number of blocks to use in Anasazi solvers
GetNbLinearSolves (GeneralEigenProblem) returns the number of linear solves performed by the eigensolver
GetNbMatrixVectorProducts (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns the number of matrix-vector products performed by the eigenvalue solver
GetNbMaximumIterations (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns the maximum number of iterations allowed for the iterative process
GetNbMaximumRestarts (AnasaziParam) Returns the maximal number of restarts in Anasazi
GetNbOverlap (DistributedVector) returns the numbers of rows already handled by another processor
GetNbScalarUnknowns (DistributedMatrix) returns the number of scalar unknowns
GetNelement (Vector2) returns the total number of elements stored
GetNelement (Vector3) returns the total number of elements stored
GetNonZeros (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) returns the number of elements effectively stored
GetNodlScalar (DistributedMatrix) returns the number of rows for a scalar unknown
GetNonZeros (DistributedMatrix) returns the number of non-zero entries stored in the matrix
GetNonZeros (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) returns the number of non-zero entries stored in the matrix
GetNormInf (Vector) returns highest absolute value
GetNormInf (Vector<T, VectSparse>) returns highest absolute value
GetNormInfIndex (Vector) returns the index of the highest absolute value
GetNormInfIndex (Vector<T, VectSparse>) returns the index of the highest absolute value
GetNumberConvergedVectors (SlepcParam) Returns the number of converged vectors
GetNumberConvergedVectorsProjected (SlepcParam) Returns the number of projected converged vectors
GetNumberIntegrationPoints (SlepcParam) Returns the number of integration points to use
GetNumberIteration (Iteration) returns iteration number
GetNumberOfSteps (SlepcParam) Returns the number of steps
GetNumberOfThreadPerNode (SparseDirectSolver) Returns the number of threads per node (relevant for Pastix only)
GetNumberPartitions (SlepcParam) Returns the number of partitions
GetNumOfQuadraturePoints (FeastParam) returns the number of quadrature points used in the contour
GetOrthoManager (AnasaziParam) Returns the orthogonalization manager in Anasazi
GetOuterSteps (SlepcParam) Returns the number of outer steps
GetOverlapProcNumber (DistributedMatrix) returns the array containing the processor numbers of rows already handled by an another processor
GetOverlapRow (DistributedVector) returns a row number already handled by another processor
GetOverlapRowNumber (DistributedMatrix) returns the array containing the numbers of rows already handled by an another processor
GetPivotBlockInteger (IlutPreconditioning) returns the maximum k = |i-j| allowed when pivoting for ilut preconditioning
GetPivotThreshold (IlutPreconditioning) returns threshold used when pivoting columns for ilut preconditioning
GetPolynomialDegree (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) returns the polynomial degree
GetPrintLevel (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns the print level
GetPrintLevel (IlutPreconditioning) returns the verbose level
GetProcessorSharingRows (DistributedMatrix) returns the list of processors that share rows with the current processor
GetPseudoInverse computes the pseudo-inverse of a given matrix
GetPtr (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) returns a pointer to the array containing row numbers
GetPtrSize (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) returns size of array Ptr
GetQ_FromQR Forms explicitely Q from QR factorization
GetQ_FromLQ Forms explicitely Q from LQ factorization
GetQR QR factorization of matrix
GetQR_Pivot QR factorization of matrix with pivoting
GetQuadratureRuleType (SlepcParam) Returns the type of quadrature rules to use in CISS
GetRankCommunicator (GeneralEigenProblem) Gets the rank of the processor in the MPI communicator
GetRatioEllipseSpectrum (FeastParam) Gets the ratio of the ellipse where eigenvalues are searched
GetRciCommunicator (GeneralEigenProblem_Base) Returns an intermediate MPI communicator associated with the eigenvalue problem (L2 for Feast)
GetReal (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) returns a reference to real part of A(i, j)
GetRealData (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) returns a pointer to the array containing the values of the real part
GetRealDataSize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) returns the number of elements effectively stored for the real part
GetRealInd (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) returns a pointer to the array containing the column indexes of the real part
GetRealIndSize (Matrix<T, General, RowComplexSparse>) returns size of array Ind of real part
GetRealNonZeros (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) returns the number of elements effectively stored for the real part
GetRealPtr (Matrix<T, General, RowComplexSparse>) returns a pointer to the array containing row numbers of real part
GetRealPtrSize (Matrix<T, General, RowComplexSparse>) returns size of array Ptr of real part
GetRealRowSize / GetRealColumnSize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) returns the number of elements in the row of real part
GetRestart (Iteration) returns restart parameter
GetRestartNleigs (SlepcParamNep) returns the restart parameter for Nleigs
GetRestartNumber (SlepcParam) Returns the restart number
GetRestartNumberAdd (SlepcParam) Returns the incremental restart number
GetRestartRatio (SlepcParam) Returns the restart ratio
GetReverseCommunicationFlag (ArpackSolver) returns reverse-communication flag (ido parameter)
GetRKShifts (SlepcParamNep) returns the shifts to use in Nleigs
GetRow extracts a matrix row
GetRow extracts a row of a distributed matrix
GetRowPermutation(MatrixSuperLU) returns the permutation used for the rows
GetRowSize / GetColumnSize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) returns the number of elements in the row
GetRowColSum sums absolute values of non-zero entries by row and by column
GetRowColSum computes the sum of absolute value for each column and row of distributed matrices
GetRowSum computes the sum of absolute values for each row (distributed matrices)
GetRowSum sums absolute values of non-zero entries by row
GetSecondWorkVector (ArpackSolver) returns pointer to second working vector
GetScalingFactors computes row and column scalings to equilibrate a matrix
GetSchurComplement (SparseDistributedSolver) Computes the Schur complement
GetSchurMatrix(MatrixMumps) forms Schur complement
GetSchurMatrix forms Schur complement
GetShape (Vector2) returns the number of elements contained in an inner vector
GetShape (Vector3) returns the number of vectors contained in an inner vector
GetSharingRowNumbers (DistributedMatrix) returns the list of rows shared with each processor
GetShiftType (SlepcParam) Returns the type of shift to use
GetShiftValue (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns the shift
GetSize (Vector) returns the number of elements in the vector
GetSize (Vector<T, VectSparse>) returns the number of elements in the vector
GetSize (VirtualMatrix) returns the number of elements in the matrix
GetSize (Array3D<T>) returns the number of elements in the 3-D array
GetSize (Array4D<T>) returns the number of elements in the 4-D array
GetSize (Array<T, N>) returns the number of elements in the multidimensional array
GetSize (Vector2) returns the size of inner vector or outer vectors
GetSize (Vector3) returns the size of inner vector or outer vectors
GetSlepcParameters (EigenProblem_Base) Returns the class storing parameters specific to SLEPc
GetSlepcParameters (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) returns the parameters of PEP solver
GetSqrtDiagonal (EigenProblem_Base) Retrieves the square root of diagonal mass matrix
GetStoppingCriterion (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns the stopping criterion used by iterative process
GetSubMatrix extracts a sub-matrix from a given distributed matrix
GetSVD performs singular value decomposition (SVD)
GetSymmetricPattern computes the sparsity pattern of A + A'
GetThresholdMatrix (SparseDirectSolver) Returns the threshold used to drop values in ILUT
GetThresholdRank (SlepcParam) Returns the rank threshold
GetThresholdSpurious (SlepcParam) Returns the spurious threshold
GetTypeIntegration (FeastParam) returns the integration rule used in Feast
GetTypeOrdering (SparseDirectSolver) Returns the ordering to use when the matrix will be reordered
GetTypeSorting (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns how eigenvalues are sorted
GetTypeSpectrum (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns the type of spectrum wanted by the user
GetTolerance (Iteration) returns stopping criterion
GetUpperBoundInterval (FeastParam) Returns the upper bound for the interval where eigenvalues are searched (Feast)
GetUpperTriangular extracts upper triangular part of a matrix
GetVector (Vector2) returns outer or inner vectors as reference
GetVector (Vector3) returns outer or inner vectors as reference
Gmres Generalized Minimum RESidual
HasElement returns true if the vector contains a given value
HasSameShape (Vector2) returns true if all inner vectors have the same size
HideMessages (SparseDirectSolver) Hides all messages of the direct solver
HideMessages(Iteration) displays nothing
IncrementLinearSolves (GeneralEigenProblem) increments the number of linear solves
IncrementProdMatVect (GeneralEigenProblem) Increments the number of matrix-vector products performed by the eigensolver
Index (Vector<T, VectSparse>) access to row number
Index (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) direct access to a column number
IndexGlobalCol (DistributedMatrix) returns the global column number of distant non-zero entry j of local row i
IndexGlobalRow (DistributedMatrix) returns the global row number of distant non-zero entry j of local column i
IndexImag (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) direct access to a column number of imaginary part
IndexReal (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) direct access to a column number of real part
Init (Iteration) provides right hand side
Init (GeneralEigenProblem) Initializes the local number of rows of the eigensolver
Init (ArpackSolver) Initialization of eigenvalue problem
Init (DistributedMatrix) sets pointers to the arrays containing global row numbers and overlapped rows
InitMatrix (EigenProblem_Base) Stiffness matrix (and optionally mass matrix) is given
InitMatrix (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) Matrices defining the eigenproblem are given
InitMatrix (SplitSparseNonLinearEigenProblem) provides the matrices Ai, numerators Pi and denominators Qi
InitSeldon initializes Seldon (at the beginning of the program)
InitSymmetricPreconditioning(SorPreconditioner) Symmetric SOR will be used
InitUnSymmetricPreconditioning (SorPreconditioner) SOR will be used
InsideRegion (SlepcParamNep) returns true if the eigenvalue belongs to the provided region
IsAvailableSolver(SparseDirectSolver) Returns true if the given solver is available
IsComplex (VirtualMatrix) returns true if the matrix is complex
IsComplexMatrix returns true if the matrix is complex
IsEmpty (Vector2) returns true if all inner vectors have 0-length
IsHermitianProblem (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns true if the eigenproblem is hermitian
IsSymmetric (VirtualMatrix) returns true if the matrix is symmetric
IsSymmetricMatrix returns true if the matrix is symmetric
IsSymmetricProblem (GeneralEigenProblem) Returns true if the involved matrices defining the eigenproblem are symmetric
IsInitGuess_Null (Iteration) returns true if the initial guess is zero
IsReadyForMltAdd (DistributedMatrix) returns true if the structure is ready to perform a matrix vector without preparation
IsSymmetricProblem (eigenvalue solver) Returns true if the stiffness matrix is symmetric
LockingVariant (SlepcParamNep) returns true if a locking-variant is used in nep solver
Lsqr Least SQuaRes
MaxAbs returns highest absolute value of A
MaxAbs returns the maximum absolute value of entries in the distributed matrix
MergeSort sorts a vector with merge sort algorithm
MinRes Minimum RESidual
Mlt(MatrixCholmod) Computes L x or LT where L is a Cholmod factor
Mlt (DistributedCholeskySolver) computation of y = LT x or y = L x for Cholesky solver
Mlt (SparseCholeskySolver) computation of y = LT x or y = L x for Cholesky solver
Mlt(MatrixPastix) computes y = L x or y = LT x
Mlt multiplication by a scalar or matrix-vector product
Mlt performs a matrix-vector product for distributed matrices
MltAdd performs a matrix-vector or matrix-matrix product
MltAdd performs a matrix-vector product for distributed matrices
MltAddVector (VirtualMatrix) performs a matrix-vector product
MltCholesky performs matrix vector product by using Cholesky factorization
MltCholesky computes y = L x or y = LT x once GetCholesky has been called
MltCholeskyMass (EigenProblem_Base) Multiplication by L or LT
MltInvSqrtDiagonalMass (EigenProblem_Base) Multiplication by M-1/2
MltMass (EigenProblem_Base) Multiplication by mass matrix M
MltOperator (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) applies the computed operator to a given vector
MltQ_FromQR multiplies vector by Q
MltQ_FromLQ multiplies vector by Q
MltSqrtDiagonalMass (EigenProblem_Base) Multiplication by M1/2
MltStiffness (EigenProblem_Base) Multiplication by stiffness matrix K
MltVector (VirtualMatrix) performs a matrix-vector product
Norm1 returns 1-norm of a vector
Norm1 returns 1-norm of A
Norm1 returns the 1-norm of the distributed matrix
Norm2 returns 2-norm of a vector
Norm2 returns the euclidian norm of a distributed vector
NormInf returns infinity-norm of A
NormInf returns the infinite norm of the distributed matrix
NormFro returns the Froebenius norm of the distributed matrix
Nullify (Vector) clears the vector without releasing memory
Nullify (Vector<T, VectSparse>) clears the vector without releasing memory
Nullify (Matrix<T>) clears the matrix without releasing memory
Nullify (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) removes elements of the matrix without releasing memory
Nullify (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) clears the matrix without releasing memory
Nullify (Array3D<T>) clears the 3-D array without releasing memory
Nullify (DistributedMatrixIntegerArray) nullifies stored arrays
NullifyImag (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) removes imaginary part of the matrix without releasing memory
NullifyReal (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) removes real part of the matrix without releasing memory
PerformAnalysis(MatrixMumps, SparseDirectSolver) Performs an analysis of linear system to factorize
PerformAnalysis (SparseDistributedSolver) Performs the symbolic factorization of a matrix (distributed or not)
PerformAnalysisDistributed (SparseDirectSolver) Performs the analysis of a distributed matrix (parallel execution)
PerformFactorization(MatrixMumps, SparseDirectSolver) Performs a factorization of linear system, assuming that PerformAnalysis has been called
PerformFactorization (SparseDistributedSolver) Performs the numerical factorization of a matrix (distributed or not)
PerformFactorizationDistributed (SparseDirectSolver) Performs the factorization of a distributed matrix (parallel execution), assuming that PerformAnalysisDistributed has been called
Print (Vector) displays the vector
Print (Vector<T, VectSparse>) displays the vector
Print (Matrix<T>) displays the matrix
Print (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) displays the matrix
Print (Array3D<T>) displays the 3-D array
Print (Array4D<T>) displays the 4-D array
Print (Array<T, N>) displays the N-D array
Print (Vector2) displays the object
Print (Vector3) displays the object
PrintErrorInit (EigenProblem_Base) Prints an error message if InitMatrix has not been called
PrintImagRow / PrintImagColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) prints a row of imaginary part
PrintRealRow / PrintRealColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) prints a row of real part
PrintRow / PrintColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) prints a row
ProcessorDistantCol (DistributedMatrix) returns the processor number of distant non-zero entry j of local row i
ProcessorDistantRow (DistributedMatrix) returns the processor number of distant non-zero entry j of local column i
PushBack (Vector) adds an element to the end of the vector
PushBack (Vector2) appends outer or inner vectors at the end
PushBack (Vector3) appends outer or inner vectors at the end
QCgs Quasi Conjugate Gradient Squared
Qmr Quasi Minimum Residual
QmrSym Quasi Minimum Residual SYMmetric
QuickSort sorts a vector with quick sort algorithm
Rank1Update Adds a contribution X.Y' to a matrix
Rank2Update Adds a contribution X.Y' + Y.X' to a symmetric matrix
Read (Vector) reads the vector in binary format
Read (Vector<T, VectSparse>) reads the vector in binary format
Read (Matrix<T>) reads the matrix in binary format
Read (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) reads the matrix in binary format
Read (Array3D<T>) reads the 3-D array in binary format
Read (Array4D<T>) reads the 4-D array in binary format
Read (Array<T, N>) reads the N-D array in binary format
Read (DistributedMatrix) reads the distributed matrix on several files (one per processor) in binary format
Read (Vector3) reads the object from an output stream
ReadCoordinateMatrix reads a matrix in coordinate format (as in Matlab)
ReadCoordinateMatrix reads a matrix in coordinate format (as in Matlab)
ReadHarwellBoeing reads a matrix in Harwell-Boeing format
ReadMatrixMarket reads a matrix in Matrix Market format
ReadText (Vector) reads the vector in text format
ReadText (Vector<T, VectSparse>) reads the vector in text format
ReadText (Matrix<T>) reads the matrix in text format
ReadText (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) reads the matrix in text format
ReadText (DistributedMatrix) reads the distributed matrix on several files (one per processor) in ascii format
Reallocate (Vector) changes the size of vector (removes previous elements)
Reallocate (Vector<T, VectSparse>) changes the size of vector (removes previous elements)
Reallocate (VirtualMatrix) changes the size of matrix (does not keep previous elements)
Reallocate (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) changes the size of matrix (does not keep previous elements)
Reallocate (Array3D<T>) changes the size of 3-D array (does not keep previous elements)
Reallocate (Array4D<T>) changes the size of 4-D array (does not keep previous elements)
Reallocate (Array<T, N>) changes the size of N-D array (does not keep previous elements)
Reallocate (Vector2) modifies the size of outer vectors or inner vectors
Reallocate (Vector3) modifies the size of outer vectors or inner vectors
Reallocate (DistributedMatrix) changes the size of the matrix
ReallocateImagRow / ReallocateImagColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) changes the size of a row of the imaginary part
ReallocateRealRow / ReallocateRealColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) changes the size of a row of the real part
ReallocateRow / ReallocateColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) changes the size of a row
realpart returns the real part of a number
ReciprocalConditionNumber computes the inverse of matrix condition number
RefineSolution(SparseDirectSolver) Refines the solution when calling solve
RefineSolutionLU improves solution computed by SolveLU
RemoveDuplicate sorts and removes duplicate elements of a vector
RemoveSmallEntry (Vector<T, VectSparse>) drops small entries of the vector
RemoveSmallEntry (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) drops small entries of the matrix
RemoveSmallEntry (DistributedMatrix) drops small non-zero entries present in the matrix
ReplaceImagIndexRow / ReplaceImagIndexColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) changes column numbers of imaginary part
ReplaceIndexRow / ReplaceIndexColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) changes column numbers
ReplaceRealIndexRow / ReplaceRealIndexColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) changes column numbers of real part
Resize (Vector) changes the size of vector (keeps previous elements)
Resize (Vector<T, VectSparse>) changes the size of vector (keeps previous elements)
Resize (Matrix<T>) changes the size of matrix (keeps previous elements)
Resize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) changes the size of matrix (keeps previous elements)
Resize (DistributedMatrix) changes the size of the matrix and keeps previous entries
ResizeImagRow / ResizeImagColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) changes the size of a row of imaginary part and keeps previous values
ResizeRealRow / ResizeRealColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) changes the size of a row of real part and keeps previous values
ResizeRow / ResizeColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) changes the size of a row and keeps previous values
SaveFullHistory(Iteration) saves the history of residuals in a file
ScaleMatrix scales rows and columns of the distributed matrix
ScaleLeftMatrix multiplies rows of a matrix by coefficients
ScaleLeftMatrix scales rows of the distributed matrix
ScaleMatrix multiplies rows and columns of a matrix by coefficients
ScaleRightMatrix multiplies columns of a matrix by coefficients
ScaleRightMatrix scales columns of the distributed matrix
ScatterSparseEntry fills a dense vector with a sparse one
Select (Vector2) keeps a subset of inner vectors
SelectDirectSolver (SparseDirectSolver) Sets the direct solver to use (e.g. Mumps, Pastix, SuperLU)
SelectDirectSolver (SparseCholeskySolver) Sets the direct solver to use (e.g. Cholmod, Pastix)
SelectOrdering (SparseDirectSolver) Sets the ordering to use when the matrix will be reordered
SelectParallelOrdering(VirtualSparseDirectSolver) Sets the ordering to use during distributed factorization
Set (Matrix<T>) modifies value of A(i, j)
SetEntry (VirtualMatrix) modifies value of A(i, j)
Set (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) modifies value of A(i, j)
SetAdditionalFillNumber (ilut preconditioning) sets the number of additional elements per row (used for ILUT(k))
SetArpackVerbose (ArpackSolver) switches to verbose mode
SetBlockSize (SlepcParam) Sets the block size
SetBorthogonalization (SlepcParam) Selects the orthogonalization used in GD/JD solver
SetCircleSpectrum (FeastParam) Sets the circle where eigenvalues are searched
SetCholeskyFacto(MatrixPastix) selects a Cholesky factorisation to be performed
SetCholeskyFactoForMass (EigenProblem_Base) Tells to find eigenvalues of L-1 K L-T if M = L LT
SetCoefficientEstimationNeededMemory(SparseDirectSolver) Sets the safety coefficient used to allocate needed memory the first time
SetCol changes a matrix column
SetCol sets a column of a distributed matrix
SetCommunicator (DistributedVector) sets the communicator associated with the distributed vector
SetCommunicator (GeneralEigenProblem) Sets the MPI communicator associated with the eigenvalue problem
SetComplexOne sets a complex number to one
SetComplexReal sets a complex number to a given value
SetComplexZero sets a complex number to zero
SetComputationalMode (EigenProblem_Base) Sets the computational mode used (regular, shifted, ...)
SetData (Vector) sets the pointer to the array contained in the vector
SetData (Vector<T, VectSparse>) sets the pointer to the array contained in the vector
SetData (Matrix<T>) sets the pointer to the array containing the values
SetData (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) sets the pointer to the arrays containing values and column numbers
SetData (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) sets the pointer to the array containing the values
SetData (Array3D<T>) sets the pointer to the array containing the values
SetData (DistributedMatrixIntegerArray) copies pointers to fill arrays
SetDefaultPetscSolver (SlepcParamNep) allows the use of KSP solver in Petsc for the solution of linear systems
SetDiagonalCoefficient (IlutPreconditioning) sets diagonal coefficient used in ILUD
SetDiagonalMass (EigenProblem_Base) Tells to find eigenvalues of M-1/2 K M-1/2are searched (M diagonal)
SetDiagonalMass (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) sets a diagonal mass matrix
SetDoubleExpansion (SlepcParam) Sets the double expansion flag used in GD/JD solver
SetDroppingThreshold (IlutPreconditioning) sets threshold to determine elements to drop for ilut preconditioning
SetEigensolverType (AnasaziParam) Sets the eigensolver to use in Anasazi
SetEigensolverType (SlepcParam) Sets the eigensolver to use
SetEigensolverType (SlepcParamPep) sets the eigensolver to use in PEP
SetEigensolverType (SlepcParamNep) sets the eigensolver to use in NEP
SetEllipseSpectrum (FeastParam) Sets the ellipse where eigenvalues are searched
SetExtractionType (SlepcParam) Sets the type of extraction to use in CISS
SetFactorisationType(IlutPreconditioning) sets the type of incomplete factorisation
SetFillLevel (IlutPreconditioning) sets the fill-level k (if ILU(k) is set)
SetFullBasis (SlepcParamNep) constructs a full basis in nep solver
SetGlobalCommunicator (GeneralEigenProblem) Sets the global MPI communicator associated with the eigenvalue problem
SetIdentity (Matrix<T>) sets matrix to identity matrix
SetIdentity (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) sets matrix to identity matrix
SetIdentity (DistributedMatrix) sets the matrix to the identity matrix
SetImagData (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) sets imaginary part of the matrix
SetImagShiftValue (GeneralEigenProblem) Sets the imaginary part of the shift (real unsymmetric problem)
SetIncreaseCoefficientEstimationNeededMemory(SparseDirectSolver) Sets the multiplication factor to increase the safety coefficient used to allocate needed memory
SetInfoFlag (ArpackSolver) modifies info parameter
SetInitGuess (Iteration) informs if the initial guess is zero or no
SetInitialSize (SlepcParam) Sets the initial size used in GD/JD solver
SetInnerSteps (SlepcParam) Sets the number of inner steps
SetInputPreconditioning (HyprePreconditioner) Sets the preconditioning parameters in Hypre
SetInterpolationDegree (SlepcParamNep) sets the polynomial degree to use for the interpolation
SetInterpolationTolerance (SlepcParamNep) sets the threshold to use for the interpolation
SetIntervalRegion (SlepcParamNep) sets the region where eigenvalues are sought
SetIntervalSpectrum (FeastParam) Sets the interval where eigenvalues are searched (Feast)
SetKrylovRestart (SlepcParam) Sets the Krylov start flag used in GD/JD solver
SetLevelEuclid(HyprePreconditioner) Sets parameter k for Euclid solver in Hypre
SetLockingVariant (SlepcParamNep) enables a locking-variant in nep solver
SetMaximumBlockSize (SlepcParam) Sets the maximum block size
SetMaximumCoefficientEstimationNeededMemory(SparseDirectSolver) Sets the maximal safety coefficient used to allocate needed memory
SetMaxIterationNumber (Iteration) changes maximum number of iterations
SetMethod (SlepcParam) Sets the method to use in PRIMME solver
SetMomentSize (SlepcParam) Sets the moment size
SetNbAdditionalEigenvalues (EigenProblem_Base) Sets the number of additional eigenvalues (workaround due to Arpack bug)
SetNbArnoldiVectors (GeneralEigenProblem) Sets the number of Arnoldi vectors
SetNbAskedEigenvalues (GeneralEigenProblem) Sets the number of wanted eigenvalues
SetNbBlocks (AnasaziParam) Sets the number of blocks to use in Anasazi solvers
SetNbMaximumIterations (GeneralEigenProblem) Sets the maximum number of iterations allowed for the iterative process
SetNbMaximumRestarts (AnasaziParam) Sets the maximal number of restarts in Anasazi
SetNonLockingVariant (SlepcParam) Sets the non-locking variant to use
SetNonSymmetricIlut (SparseDirectSolver) Selects non-symmetric incomplete factorization
SetNumberConvergedVectors (SlepcParam) Sets the number of converged vectors
SetNumberConvergedVectorsProjected (SlepcParam) Sets the number of projected converged vectors
SetNumberIntegrationPoints (SlepcParam) Sets the number of integration points to use
SetNumberIteration (Iteration) changes iteration number
SetNumberIterations (SorPreconditioner) changes the number of iterations for SOR preconditioning
SetNumberOfSteps (SlepcParam) Sets the number of steps
SetNumberOfThreadPerNode (SparseDirectSolver) Sets the number of threads per node (relevant for Pastix only)
SetNumberPartitions (SlepcParam) Sets the number of partitions
SetNumOfQuadraturePoints <(FeastParam)/td> sets the number of quadrature points used in the contour
SetOuterSteps (SlepcParam) Sets the number of outer steps
SetOverlapRow (DistributedVector) sets the row numbers already handled by another processor and MPI communicator
SetParameterRelaxation (SorPreconditioner) changes the relaxation parameter of SOR preconditioning
SetPermutation (SparseDirectSolver) Provides manually the permutation array used to reorder the matrix
SetPivotBlockInteger (ilut preconditioning) sets the maximum k = |i-j| allowed when pivoting for ilut preconditioning
SetPivotThreshold (SparseDirectSolver, IlutPreconditioning) Sets the threshold used for pivoting
SetPivotThreshold (ilut preconditioning) sets threshold used when pivoting columns for ilut preconditioning
SetPreconditioner (HyprePreconditioner) Sets preconditioning used in Hypre
SetPrintLevel (GeneralEigenProblem) Sets the print level
SetPrintLevel (SparseDistributedSolver) Modifies the level of verbosity
SetQuadratureRuleType (SlepcParam) Sets the type of quadrature rules to use in CISS
SetRealData (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) sets real part of the matrix
SetRestart (Iteration) changes restart parameter
SetRestartNleigs (SlepcParamNep) sets the restart parameter for Nleigs
SetRestartNumber (SlepcParam) Sets the restart number
SetRestartNumberAdd (SlepcParam) Sets the incremental restart number
SetRestartRatio (SlepcParam) Sets the restart ratio
SetReverseCommunicationFlag (ArpackSolver) modifies reverse-communication flag (ido parameter)
SetRKShifts (SlepcParamNep) sets the shifts to use in Nleigs
SetShiftType (SlepcParam) Sets the type of shift to use
SetShiftValue (GeneralEigenProblem) sets the shift
SetSmoother (HyprePreconditioner) Sets smoothing used in Hypre
SetRow changes a matrix row
SetRow sets a row of a distributed matrix
SetSpectralTransformation (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) sets the use of a spectral transformation
SetStoppingCriterion (GeneralEigenProblem) Sets the stopping criterion used by iterative process
SetSymmetricAlgorithm (IlutPreconditioning) sets symmetric incomplete factorisation
SetThresholdMatrix (SparseDirectSolver) Sets the threshold used to drop values in ILUT
SetThresholdRank (SlepcParam) Sets the rank threshold
SetThresholdSpurious (SlepcParam) Sets the spurious threshold
SetTolerance (Iteration) changes stopping criterion
SetTypeIntegration (FeastParam) sets the integration rule used in Feast
SetTypeSpectrum (GeneralEigenProblem) Sets the of spectrum wanted by the user
SetSymmetricAlgorithm (IlutPreconditioning) sets unsymmetric incomplete factorisation (even for symmetric matrices)
SetUserComparisonClass (GeneralEigenProblem) Sets an ordering of eigenvalues defined by the user
ShowMessages (SparseDirectSolver) Shows messages of the direct solver
ShowMessages (Iteration) displays residual each 100 iterations
ShowFullHistory (SparseDirectSolver) Shows all messages of the direct solver
ShowFullHistory (Iteration) displays residual each iteration
ShowMessages(HyprePreconditioner) Enables the display of statistics in Hypre
Solve solves a triangular system
Solve (SparseDirectSolver) Solves A x = b or AT x = b, assuming that Factorize has been called
Solve (SparseDistributedSolver) Solves a linear system assuming that Factorize has been called
Solve (DistributedCholeskySolver) Solves L x = b or LT x = b assuming that Factorize has been called
Solve(MatrixMumps) Solves A x = b using factorization computed by Mumps
Solve(MatrixPardiso) Solves A x = b using factorization computed by Pardiso
Solve(MatrixPastix) Solves A x = b using factorization computed by Pastix
Solve(SparseSeldonSolver) Solves A x = b using factorization computed by Seldon
Solve(MatrixSuperLU) Solves A x = b using factorization computed by SuperLU
Solve(MatrixUmfPack) Solves A x = b using factorization computed by UmfPack
Solve(MatrixWsmp) Solves A x = b using factorization computed by Wsmp
Solve(MatrixCholmod) Solves A x = b using Cholesky factorization computed by Cholmod
Solve (SparseCholeskySolver) Solves L x = b or LT x = b, assuming that Factorize has been called
Solve (Preconditioner_Base) Applies the preconditioner
Solve(SorPreconditioner) Applies SOR preconditioning
Solve(IlutPreconditioning) Applies ilut preconditioning
Solve (HyprePreconditioner) applies the preconditioning by calling Hypre
SolveCholesky solves linear system by using Cholesky factorization
SolveCholesky solves L x = b or LT x = b once GetCholesky has been called
SolveCholeskyMass (EigenProblem_Base) Resolution of L x = b or LT x = b
SolveDistributed (SparseDirectSolver) Solves A x = b or AT x = b, assuming that FactorizeDistributed has been called
SolveHessenberg resolution of H X = Y with H an Hessenberg matrix
SolveHessenbergTwo resolution of H X = Y with H a matrix with two sub-diagonals non-null
SolveLQ solves least-square problems by using LQ factorization
SolveLU solve linear system by using LU factorization
SolveLU uses LU factorization to solve a linear system
SolveMass (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) solves the mass matrix
SolveOperator (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) solves a linear combination of matrices Ai
SolveQR solves least-square problems by using QR factorization
SolveSylvester resolution of Sylvester equation A X B* + C X D* = E
SOR applies successive over-relaxations to matrix
SOR Applies Successive Over Relaxation (S.O.R) iterations to solve a distributed linear system
Sort sorts a vector
SortEigenvalues sorts eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors
Swap exchanges two vectors
SwapImagRow / SwapImagColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) exchanges two rows of imaginary part
SwapPointer exchanges two vectors (only adresses are exchanged)
SwapRealRow / SwapRealColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) exchanges two rows of real part
SwapRow / SwapColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) exchanges two rows
Symmlq SYMMetric Least sQuares
TfQmr Transpose Free Quasi Minimum Residual
to_complex_eigen Converts a real/complex number into another one
to_num converts a string into a number
to_str converts a number into a string
Transpose replaces a matrix by its transpose
Transpose computes the transpose of a distributed matrix
TransposeConj replaces a matrix by its conjugate transpose
TransposeConj computes the transpose conjugate of a distributed matrix
TransSolve (SparseDistributedSolver) Solves a transpose linear system assuming that Factorize has been called
TransSolve (Preconditioner_Base) Applies the transpose of the preconditioner
TransSolve(SorPreconditioner) Applies transpose of SOR preconditioning
TransSolveIlutPreconditioning) Applies the transpose of ilut preconditioning
TransSolve (HyprePreconditioner) applies the transpose preconditioning by calling Hypre
UseCholeskyFactoForMass (EigenProblem_Base) Returns true if eigenvalues of L-1 K L-Tare searched (M = L LT)
UseCommandLineOptions (SlepcParamNep) returns true if the user is allowed to provide parameters of the solver through the command line
UseDefaultPetscSolver (SlepcParamNep) returns true if the KSP solver in Petsc is used for the solution of linear systems
UseInteger8 (VirtualSparseDirectSolver) returns true if the solver is using 64-bits integers (integer*8 in Fortran)
UseNonLockingVariant (SlepcParam) Returns true if the non-locking variant is used
UseSpectralTransformation (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) returns true if a spectral transformation is used
Val (Vector<T, VectSparse>) access to V(i)
Val (Matrix<T>) access to a matrix element
Val (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) access to a matrix element
ValImag (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) returns a reference to imaginary part of A(i, j)
ValReal (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) returns a reference to real part of A(i, j)
Value (Vector<T, VectSparse>) access to value
Value (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) direct access to a value
ValueDistantCol (DistributedMatrix) returns the value associated with distant non-zero entry j of local row i
ValueDistantRow (DistributedMatrix) returns the value associated with distant non-zero entry j of local column i
ValueImag (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) direct access to an imaginary value
ValueReal (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) direct access to a real value
Write (Vector) writes the vector in binary format
Write (Vector<T, VectSparse>) writes the vector in binary format
Write (Matrix<T>) writes the matrix in binary format
Write (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) writes the matrix in binary format
Write (Array3D<T>) writes the 3-D array in binary format
Write (Array4D<T>) writes the 4-D array in binary format
Write (Array<T, N>) writes the N-D array in binary format
Write (DistributedMatrix) writes the distributed matrix on several files (one per processor) in binary format
Write (Vector3) writes the object in an output stream
WriteCoordinateMatrix writes a matrix in coordinate format (as in Matlab)
WriteHarwellBoeing writes a matrix in Harwell-Boeing format
WriteMatrixMarket writes a matrix in Matrix Market format
WriteText (Vector) writes the vector in text format
WriteText (Vector<T, VectSparse>) writes the vector in text format
WriteText (Matrix<T>) writes the matrix in text format
WriteText (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) writes the matrix in text format
WriteText (DistributedMatrix) writes the distributed matrix on several files (one per processor) in ascii format
Zero (Vector) sets all elements to zero
Zero (Vector<T, VectSparse>) sets all elements to zero
Zero (VirtualMatrix) sets all elements to zero
Zero (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) sets all elements to zero
Zero (Array3D<T>) sets all elements to zero
Zero (Array4D<T>) sets all elements to zero
Zero (Array<T, N>) sets all elements to zero

Glossary of classes

AnasaziParam Class storing parameters for Anasazi interface
ArpackSolver Basic reverse communication class for interfacing Arpack
Array<T, N> Multi-dimensional array
Array3D<T> three-dimensional array
Array4D<T> four-dimensional array
CallocAlloc<T> Allocator using calloc/free
class_SeldonConjTrans Class for variable SeldonConjTrans
class_SeldonLeft Class for variable SeldonLeft
class_SeldonNonUnit Class for variable SeldonNonUnit
class_SeldonNoTrans Class for variable SeldonNoTrans
class_SeldonRight Class for variable SeldonRight
class_SeldonTrans Class for variable SeldonTrans
class_SeldonUnit Class for variable SeldonUnit
ClassComplexType retrieves real or complex number from a given type
DenseEigenProblem Class for dense eigenvalue problems
DistributedCholeskySolver Class handling distributed Cholesky solvers
DistributedMatrix<T, Prop, Storage> Class for distributed matrices
DistributedMatrixIntegerArray Class storing arrays needed for distributed matrices
DistributedVector<T, VectFull> Distributed vectors
EigenProblem_Base Base class for linear eigenproblem
EigenvalueComparisonClass Class for a used-defined sorting of eigenvalues
FeastParam Class storing parameters for FEAST interface
GeneralEigenProblem_Base Base class for an eigenvalue problem
GeneralEigenProblem Base class for an eigenvalue problem
EigenProblem_Base Base class for a linear eigenvalue problem
Error Base class for any Seldon exception
General Class to specify a general matrix (without particular property)
Hermitian Class to specify an hermitian matrix
HyprePreconditioner Hypre preconditioning
IlutPreconditioning Ilut preconditioning
IOError Seldon exception thrown for input/output errors
Iteration Class defining stopping criteria for iterative solvers
LapackError Seldon exception when Lapack encounters an error
LapackInfo Lapack error code
MallocAlloc<T> Allocator using malloc/free
MallocObject<T> Allocator using malloc/free and dealing with objects
Matrix_Base<T, Allocator> Base class for any matrix (dense or sparse)
Matrix<T, General, ArrayColSparse> Easily modifiable sparse matrix stored by columns
Matrix<T, General, ArrayColComplexSparse> Easily modifiable complex sparse matrix stored by columns
Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse> Easily modifiable sparse matrix stored by rows
Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>
Matrix<T, General, ColLoTriang> Lower triangular dense matrix stored by columns
Matrix<T, General, ColLoTriangPacked> Lower triangular dense matrix stored by columns (compressed)
Matrix<T, General, ColMajor> Dense matrix stored by columns
Matrix<T, General, ColSparse> Sparse matrix stored by columns
Matrix<T, General, ColComplexSparse> Sparse complex matrix stored by columns
Matrix<T, General, ColUpTriang> Upper triangular dense matrix stored by columns
Matrix<T, General, ColUpTriangPacked> Upper triangular dense matrix stored by columns (compressed)
Matrix<T, General, RowLoTriang> Lower triangular dense matrix stored by rows
Matrix<T, General, RowLoTriangPacked> Lower triangular dense matrix stored by rows (compressed)
Matrix<T, General, RowMajor> Dense matrix stored by rows
Matrix<T, General, RowSparse> Sparse matrix stored by rows
Matrix<T, General, RowComplexSparse> Sparse complex matrix stored by rows
Matrix<T, General, RowUpTriang> Upper triangular dense matrix stored by rows
Matrix<T, General, RowUpTriangPacked> Upper triangular dense matrix stored by rows (compressed)
Matrix<T, Hermitian, ColHerm> Hermitian dense matrix stored by columns
Matrix<T, Hermitian, ColHermPacked> Hermitian dense matrix stored by columns (compressed)
Matrix<T, Hermitian, RowHerm> Hermitian dense matrix stored by rows
Matrix<T, Hermitian, RowHermPacked> Hermitian dense matrix stored by rows (compressed)
Matrix<T, Symmetric, ArrayColSymSparse> Easily modifiable symmetric sparse matrix stored by columns
Matrix<T, Symmetric, ArrayColSymComplexSparse> Easily modifiable symmetric complex sparse matrix stored by columns
Matrix<T, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse> Easily modifiable symmetric sparse matrix stored by rows
Matrix<T, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse> Easily modifiable symmetric complex sparse matrix stored by rows
Matrix<T, Symmetric, ColSym> Symmetric dense matrix stored by columns
Matrix<T, Symmetric, ColSymPacked> Symmetric dense matrix stored by columns (compressed)
Matrix<T, Symmetric, ColSymSparse> Symmetric sparse matrix stored by columns
Matrix<T, Symmetric, RowSym> Symmetric dense matrix stored by rows
Matrix<T, Symmetric, RowSymPacked> Symmetric dense matrix stored by rows (compressed)
Matrix<T, Symmetric, RowSymSparse> Symmetric sparse matrix stored by rows
MatrixCholmod Object storing Cholesky factorization (interface with Cholmod)
MatrixMumps Object storing LU factorization (interface with Mumps)
MatrixPardiso Object storing LU factorization (interface with Pardiso)
MatrixPastix Object storing LU factorization (interface with Pastix)
MatrixSuperLU Object storing LU factorization (interface with SuperLU)
MatrixUmfPack Object storing LU factorization (interface with UmfPack)
MatrixWsmp Object storing LU factorization (interface with Wsmp)
NaNAlloc<T> Allocator using malloc/free by filling with nan
NewAlloc<T> Allocator using new/delete
NoMemory Seldon exception thrown when allocating an array too large
NonLinearEigenProblem_Base Base class for non-linear eigenvalue problems
PolynomialDenseEigenProblem Class for polynomial eigenvalue problems (with dense matrices)
PolynomialEigenProblem_Base Base class for polynomial eigenvalue problems
PolynomialEigenProblem Class for polynomial eigenvalue problems (matrix-free implementation)
PolynomialSparseEigenProblem Class for polynomial eigenvalue problems (with sparse matrices)
Preconditioner_Base Base class for any preconditioning
SeldonDefaultAllocator<Storage, T> Default allocator to use for Matrix<T, Prop, Storage>
SeldonConjugate Base class for SeldonConj and SeldonUnconj flags
SeldonDiag Base class for Unit and NonUnit flags
SeldonSide Base class for SeldonLeft and SeldonRight flags
SeldonNorm Base class for Norm1 or NormInf
SeldonTranspose Base class for transpose flags
SeldonUplo Base class for upper/lower flags
SlepcParam Class storing parameters for SLEPc interface
SlepcParamPep Class storing parameters for SLEPc interface (PEP solver)
SlepcParamNep Class storing parameters for SLEPc interface (NEP solver)
SolverMaximumIterationError Error for maximal iterations reached for a solver
SolverDivergenceError Error because of a divergent algorithm
SorPreconditioner SOR preconditioning
SparseCholeskySolver Class interfacing all Cholesky solvers
SparseDirectSolver Class interfacing all direct solvers
SparseDistributedSolver Class interfacing all direct solvers both in parallel and sequential
SparseEigenProblem Class for sparse eigenvalue problems
SparseMatrixOrdering Class enumerating sparse orderings
SparseSeldonSolver Seldon direct solver (slow)
SplitSparseNonLinearEigenProblem Class for sparse non-linear eigenvalue problems (split form)
Str formats easily to a string
Symmetric Class to specify a symmetric matric
TypeEigenvalueSolver Class enumerating eigenvalue solvers
Undefined Seldon exception for undefined function
Vector<T, VectFull> Dense vectors
Vector<T, VectSparse> Sparse vectors
Vector2<T> Vector of vectors
Vector3<T> Vector of vector of vectors
VectorExpression<T, E> Expression of vectors
VirtualEigenProblem Class for matrix-free eigenvalue problems
VirtualMatrix<T> Base class for any matrix (dense or sparse)
VirtualSparseDirectSolver Base class for each interface with a direct solver
WrongArgument Seldon exception for a wrong argument
WrongCol Seldon exception when accessing to an incorrect column
WrongDim Seldon exception for incorrect dimensions
WrongIndex Seldon exception when accessing to an index out of range
WrongRow Seldon exception when accessing to an incorrect row

Glossary of global variables

lapack_info Default argument used to retrieve Lapack error code
SeldonConj Argument used for selecting the conjugate
SeldonConjTrans Argument used for selecting the conjugate transpose matrix
SeldonLeft Argument used to multiply on the left
SeldonLower Argument used to consider lower part of the matrix
SeldonNonUnit Argument used to tell that the diagonal is non-unitary
SeldonNormInf Argument used to consider the infinite norm
SeldonNorm1 Argument used to consider the 1-norm
SeldonNoTrans Argument used for selecting the non transpose matrix
SeldonRight Argument used to multiply on the right
SeldonTrans Argument used for selecting the transpose matrix
SeldonUnconj Argument used for not selecting the conjugate
SeldonUnit Argument used to tell that the diagonal is unitary
SeldonUpper Argument used to consider upper part of the matrix