1996 - Present

Associate professor, School of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bordeaux, France.


Visiting Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

1995 - 96

PostDoc position, Tel Aviv University, School of Computer Science, Israel.

Topic: Large 2D and 3D PDE's solutions by means of 1D wavelets based methods.

Advisor: Prof. Amir Averbuch.


Responsible for a scientific European Franco-Belgian program of research « Tournesol ».

Topic: Application of Fourier and wavelet transforms to solve atomic and molecular Hartree-Fock equations.

1992 - 93

Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Evry-Val d'Essonne, Mathematics Department.

Advanced Training


WAMA Summer School, Cargese, France.

Topic: Wavelets and Multifractals analysis.


NATO Advanced Study Institute, Il Ciocco Resort, Tuscany, Italy.

Topic: Wavelets and their Applications.


Department on Surfaces and Matter Irradiation (C.E.A.- C.E. Saclay, France).

Topic: Wavelets and Quantum Chemistry


Department of Physics of Atoms and Surface (C.E.A. - C.E. Saclay, France).

Topic: Study of integral equations of molecular quantum chemistry in momentum space.

Professional experiences



H.D.R. (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) Qualification for a full Professorship in France.

Topic: Wavelets and Applications


Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Paris-Dauphine University and C.E.A. - C.E. Saclay.

Topic: Wavelets and Fourier analysis for studying a problem of quantum chemistry.

Supervisors: Prof. P.L. Lions, Ceremade, Paris-Dauphine University, France.

                     Dr. M. Defranceschi, C.E.A. - C.E. Saclay, France.


M.Sc. (2nd year) in non-linear analysis, Paris-Dauphine University, France.

Thesis: Wavelets and quantum chemistry

Supervisor: Prof. P.L. Lions, Ceremade, Paris-Dauphine University, France.

M.Sc. (1st year) in Applied Mathematics, Paris XIII University, France.


B.Sc. in Mathematics, Paris XIII University, France.

Awards and fundings

ANR LiFT 2022-26, French Agence Nationale de la Recherche

ANR Cyclobulle 2011-13, French Agence Nationale de la Recherche

PEDR 2008-12, 4 years funding from the French Government (2008-2012).

NSF 2007, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA.

DGA ERE 2006, Defense Department, France.

NSF Grant 2006, University of Washington, USA.

NSF Grant 2004, AIMS' Fifth International Conference, Pomona, USA.

PostDoctoral Fellowships 1995-96: Tel Aviv University, Israel, and MESR, France.

NATO Grant 1992, Advanced Study Institute, Il Ciocco Resort, Tuscany, Italy.

Ph.D. Scolarship 1991-94, Paris-Dauphine University, France, and CEA C.E. - Saclay, France.

Postgraduate Scolarship 1990, Paris-Dauphine University, France.


ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche): reviewer for funding applications (2019, 2021)

Journals: IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Journal of Computational Physics, Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Aerospace Science and Technology

Conferences: SFC04, Societe Francophone de Classification.

Hiring Committee: Univ. Bordeaux 1 (2011), Ecole Centrale Nantes (2011), Univ. La Rochelle (2012).