The effect of tilt on turbulent thermal convection for a heated soap bubble

          X-Q. He, Y-L. Xiong, A. D. Bragg, P. Fischer, and H. Kellay

          Physics of Fluids 34, 105117 (2022)


    Turbulence and heat transfer on a rotating heated half soap bubble

          X.Q. He, A.D. Bragg, Y.L. Xiong, P. Fischer

          Journal of Fluid Mechanics , Volume 924, A19 (2021)

    Asymptotic turbulent friction in 2D rough-walled flows

          A. Vilquin, J. Jagielka, S. Djambov, H. Herouard, P. Fischer, C-H. Bruneau, P. Chakraborty,

          G. Gioia, and H. Kellay

          Science Advances, 7 (5), eabc6234 (2021)

    Numerical Study of Rotating Thermal Convection on a Hemisphere

          P. Fischer, C.H. Bruneau, and H. Kellay

          Fluids 5(4), 185 (2020).

    Effects of rotation on temperature fluctuations in turbulent thermal convection on a hemisphere

          T. Meuel, M. Coudert , P. Fischer, C. H. Bruneau, and H. Kellay

          Scientific Reports, 8: 16513, Nature Publishing Group (2018).

    Numerical simulations of thermal convection on a hemisphere

          C.-H. Bruneau, P. Fischer, Y.-L. Xiong, and H. Kellay

          Phys. Rev. Fluids 3, 043502 (2018)

    Intensity of vortices: from soap bubbles to hurricanes

          T. Meuel, Y-L. Xiong, P. Fischer, C-H. Bruneau, M. Bessafi, H. Kellay

          Scientific Reports 3: 3455, Nature Publishing Group (2013).

    A wavelet-based multifractal analysis of atmospheric data

        P. Fischer

        Current Development in Theory and Applications of Wavelets, 4, 3 p. 219 - 243 (2010).

    Analyse multifractale en ondelettes pour l’analyse de données atmosphériques

     P. Fischer

         Techniques de l'Ingénieur (2010).

    Wavelet-based analysis of enstrophy transfers in two-dimensional turbulence

         P. Fischer, Ch.-H. Bruneau.

         Physics of Fluids 21, 1 (2009).

    Influence of the filtering tools on the analysis of two-dimensional turbulent flows

         Ch.-H. Bruneau, P. Fischer.

         Computers and Fluids 38, 7 (2009).

    Wavelets, a numerical tool for multiscale phenomena: from two-dimensional turbulence to atmospheric data analysis

        P. Fischer, KK. Tung.

        J. Num. Anal. And Mod., 5, 64 (2008).

    Adaptive solution of multidimensional PDEs via tensor product wavelet decomposition

         A. Averbuch, G. Beylkin, R. Coifman, P. Fischer, M. Israeli

         Intern. J. of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 44(1), 75-115 (2008).

    A reexamination of the QBO-period modulation by the solar cycle

         P. Fischer, K.K. Tung.

         J. Geophys. Res., 113, D07114, doi:10.1029/2007JD008983 (2008).

   The structures responsible for the two cascades in two dimensional turbulence

         Ch.-H. Bruneau, P. Fischer, H. Kellay.

         Europhysics Letters, 78, doi:10.1209/0295-5075/78/34002 (2007).

    Multiresolution analysis for 2D turbulence. Part 2: A physical interpretation

         Ch.-H. Bruneau, P. Fischer, H. Kellay.

         Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 7, 717 (2007).

    Spectra and filtering: a clarification

        Ch.-H. Bruneau, P. Fischer.

        Int. J. Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 5, 465 (2007).

    Comparison of Numerical Methods for the Computation of Energy Spectra in 2D Turbulence. Part II: Adaptive algorithms

        Ch.H. Bruneau, P. Fischer, Z. Peter, A. Yger

        Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing, 4, 271  (2005)

    Multiresolution analysis for 2D turbulence. Part 1: Wavelets vs cosine packets, a comparative study

        P. Fischer

        Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 5, 659 (2005).

    Comparison of Numerical Methods for the Computation of Energy Spectra in 2D Turbulence. Part I: Direct Method

        Ch.H. Bruneau, P. Fischer, Z. Peter, A. Yger

        Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing, 4, 169 (2005)

    Turbulence and wavelet packets analysis (in french)

        P. Fischer

        Techniques de l'Ingénieur (2005).

    WAVPRED: A wavelet-based algorithm for the prediction of transmembrane proteins

        P. Fischer, G. Baudoux, J. Wouters

        J. Comm. Math. Sc. 1, 44 (2003).

    Numerical solution of eigenvalue problems by means of a wavelet-based Lanczos decomposition

        P. Fischer,

        Int. J. Quant. Chem. 77, 552 (2000).

    Numerical solution of the Schrodinger equation in a wavelet basis for hydrogenlike atoms

        P. Fischer, M. Defrancschi,

        J. Num. Anal., 35, 1 (1998)

    Iterative process for solving Hartree-Fock equations by means of a wavelet transform

        P. Fischer, M. Defranceschi,

        Appl. Comput. Harm. Anal., 1, 232 (1994).

    A combined analytical and numerical strategy to solve the atomic Hartree- Fock equations in momentum space

        L. De Windt, P. Fischer, M. Defranceschi, J. Delhalle, J.G. Fripiat,

        J. Comp. Phys. 111, 266 (1994).

    Looking at atomic orbitals through Fourier and wavelet transforms

        P. Fischer, M. Defranceschi,

        Intern. J. Quant. Chem. 45, 619 (1993).

    Electronic structure of H2 and HeH+ computed directly in momentum space

        P. Fischer, L. De Windt, M. Defranceschi, J. Delhalle,

        J. Chem. Phys. 99, 7888 (1993).

    Molecular Hartree-Fock equation for iteration-variation calculations in momentum space

        P. Fischer, M. Defranceschi, J. Delhalle,

        Numer. Math. 63, 67 (1992).


Chapters in books

    Wavelets, a Numerical Tool for Atmospheric Data Analysis

     P. Fischer

         in: Wavelets and Multiscale Analysis. Theory and Applications. Series: Applied and Numerical

         Harmonic Analysis,Cohen, Jonathan; Zayed, Ahmed I. (Eds.), Birkhäuser (Boston, 2011).

   Analyse de la turbulence bidimensionnelle

         P. Fischer

         in: Mathématiques Appliquées L3. A. Yger, J-A. Weil (Eds), Pearson Education (Paris, 2009).

   Quantum chemistry computations in momentum space

         M. Defranceschi, J. Delhalle, L. De Windt, P. Fischer, J.G. Fripiat,

         in: Strategies and applications in quantum chemistry: From molecular astrophysics to molecular engineering. Topics in molecular

     organization and engineering., Kluwer Academic Publisher (Dordrecht, 1995).

   The wavelet transform: a new mathematical tool for quantum chemistry

     P. Fischer, M. Defranceschi,

     in: Conceptual trends in quantum chemistry. (E. Kryachko, J.L. Calais, Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers (Dordrecht, 1994).

Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings

   Numerical simulations of two-dimensional turbulent thermal convection on the surface of a soap bubble

     Y.L. Xiong, P. Fischer, Ch.-H. Bruneau.

     ICCFD 7 International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (2012)

   Enstrophy transfers study in two-dimensional turbulence

     P. Fischer, Ch.-H. Bruneau.

     iTi Conference in Turbulence (2008)

   Coherent structures identification in 2D turbulence

     Ch.-H. Bruneau, P. Fischer, H. Kellay,

     iTi Conference in Turbulence (2005).

   Matching pursuit with POD modes dictionaries in the analysis of 2D turbulence signals and images

     Ch.-H. Bruneau, P. Fischer, Z. Peter, A. Yger,

     Third MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (2005).

   A wavelet-based constrained preconditioned conjugate gradient for elliptic problems

     A. Averbuch, G. Beylkin, R. Coifman, P. Fischer, M. Israeli,

     in: Proceedings of PRISM'97 (O. Axelsson, M. Neytcheva, B. Polman, Eds.), Nijmegen University Press, (1997).

   Representation of the atomic Hartree-Fock equations in a wavelet basis by means of the BCR algorithm

     P. Fischer, M. Defranceschi,

     in: Wavelets: Theory, Algorithms ans Applications. (C.K. Chui, L. Montefusco, L. Puccio, Eds.), Academic Press, Inc. (1994).

Technical reports

   Numerical methods for the computation of energy spectra in 2D turbulence

     Ch.-H. Bruneau, P. Fischer, Z. Peter, A. Yger.

     Technical report, U-03.20, MAB (2003)

   Adaptive solution of multidimensional PDEs via tensor product wavelet decomposition

     A. Averbuch, G. Beylkin, R. Coifman, P. Fischer, M. Israeli

     Technical report, U-03.18, MAB (2003)

   WAVPRED: A wavelet-based algorithm for the prediction of transmembrane proteins

     P. Fischer, G. Baudoux, J. Wouters

     Technical report, U-02.19, MAB (2002).

   A fast wavelet-based Lanczos decomposition for large eigenvalue problems

     P. Fischer

     Technical report 97023, MAB, (1997).


    •European Turbulence Conference, Turin, Italy. Effect of rotation on turbulent thermal convection on a hemisphere. (2019) (contributed speaker)

    •European Turbulence Conference, Stockholm, Sweden. Numerical simulations of thermal two dimensional hemispherical turbulence. (2017) (contributed speaker)

    •Seminar of the Mathematics Dept, Univ. of Nantes. Numerical simulations of turbulent thermal convection on the surface of a soap bubble. (2015) (invited speaker)

    •Interdisciplinary Turbulence Initiative Conference, Bertinoro, Italy. Storm in a soap bubble. (2014) (contributed speaker)

    •ICCFD7, International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Hawaii, USA. Numerical simulations of two-dimensional turbulent thermal convection on the surface of a soap bubble. (2012) (contributed speaker)

    •12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, Marburg, Germany. Space-scale analysis of enstrophy transfers in two-dimensional turbulence. (2009) (contributed speaker)

    •20 years of Wavelets, DePaul University, Chicago, USA. Wavelets, a numerical tool for atmospheric data analysis. (2009) (contributed speaker)

    •  3rd International Conference on Approximation Methods and numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources MAMERN, Université de Pau, France.  Wavelets, a numerical tool for atmospheric data analysis. (2009) (contributed speaker)

    •  Workshop: Signal, Image and Tomography, University Bordeaux 1, France. Coherent structures in two dimensional turbulence. (2008) (invited speaker).

•    Workshop: Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Multiscale Nonlinear Systems, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA. Wavelets, a numerical tool for multiscale phenomena: from 2D turbulence to atmospheric data. (2007)

    •    Seminar of the Applied Math. Dept, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. Coherent structures in two dimensional turbulence. (2007) (invited speaker)

•    AIMS' Fifth International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, CalPoly Pomona, USA. Wavelet and Cosine packets decomposition for the analysis of 2D turbulence. (2004) (invited speaker)

•    CNRS/CRPP, Pessac, France, A Wavelet-based method for the prediction of transmenbranar alpha helix in protein sequences. (1999) (invited speaker).

•    CEA/CESTA/DEV, Le Barp, France, Introduction to Wavelets and applications to Electromagnetism problems. (1999) (invited speaker).

•    Research Dept, SmithKline Beecham, Rixensart, Belgium, A wavelet based method for proteins analysis. (1998) (invited speaker).

•    Seminar of the Dept of Biology, F.U.N.D.P, Namur, Belgium, Application of a wavelet based method to some biological problems. (1998) (invited speaker).

•    Seminar of the Physics Dept, Rice University, Houston, USA, Numerical Study of the Schrodinger Equation in a Wavelet Basis. (1997) (invited speaker).

•    PRISM'97, Conference on Preconditioned Iterative Solution Methods for Large Scale Problems in Scientific Computations, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, A Wavelet-based Constrained Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient for Elliptic Problems.(1997)

•    Workshop of the Israeli Science Foundation: Multiscale Phenomena, Modelling and Computation, Eilat, Israel, Numerical Study of the Schrodinger Equation in a Wavelet Basis. (1997) (invited speaker).

•    Réunion des Chimistes Theoriciens Francais, Arcachon, France, About the Application of Wavelets in Quantum Chemistry. (1997)

•    Seminar of the Dept of Mathematics, University of Bordeaux 1, France, Wavelets and Quantum Chemistry. (1996) (invited speaker).

•    Seminar of the Dept of Mathematics, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, Numerical solution of the Schrodinger equation in a wavelet basis for hydrogenic cations. (1995) (invited speaker).

•    Seminar of the Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry, F.U.N.D.P, Namur, Belgium. A wavelets-based method to study a problem of Quantum Chemistry. (1994) (invited speaker).

•    Seminar of the Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry, F.U.N.D.P, Namur, Belgium. From Fourier to wavelet analysis. (1994) (invited speaker).

•    Seminar in Numerical Analysis, IPS, ETH - Zurich, Switzerland. Numerical solution of Hartree-Fock equations in a wavelet basis. (1994) (invited speaker).

•    Workshop: Wavelets: Wavelets, Time-Frequency, Theory and Applications. ENST-Bretagne, Brest, France. Numerical resolution of Hartree-Fock equations in a wavelet basis. (1994) (invited speaker).

•    Seminar of the L. Brillouin Laboratory, CEA, CE - Saclay, France. From Fourier to wavelet analysis. (1994) (invited speaker).

•    Seminar of Applied Analysis, Paris Nord University, Villetaneuse, France. Fourier and wavelet transforms in quantum chemistry. (1994) (invited speaker).

•    Seminar in Numerical Methods, P.& M. Curie University, Paris, France. About application of wavelets in quantum chemistry. (1994) (invited speaker).

•    International Conference on Wavelets: Theory, Algorithms and Applications. Taormina, Sicilia, Italy. Representation of the atomic Hartree-Fock equations in a wavelet basis by means of the BCR algorithm.(1993)

•    XXI' Chitel: Quantum Chemistry annual congress. Grenoble, France. The wavelet transform: a new mathematical tool for quantum chemistry. (1993)

•    SCF Congress: Large Scale Computation for Quantum Physics and Chemistry. Namur, Belgium. Looking at atomic orbitals through Fourier and wavelet transforms.(1993)