
Preprints of the Geometric team
  1. 2020/10/16, G Besson (IF), S Gallot (IF): On Scalar and Ricci Curvatures
  2. 2017/12/22, Gérard Besson (IF, CNRS), Gilles Courtois (IMJ-PRG (UMR\_7586), CNRS), Sylvestre Gallot (IF), Andrea Sambusetti (Sapienza University of Rome): Curvature-Free Margulis Lemma for Gromov-Hyperbolic Spaces

Preprints of the Number Theory team
  1. 2021, (Int. Mat. Res. Not. IMRN 2021, no. 3, 2108-2133), Y. Bugeaud, D. H. Kim, S. Lim et M. Rams, Hausdorff dimension in inhomogeneous Diophantine approximation.
  2. 2021, (Pacific J. Math. 315 (2021), 1-25) Y. Bugeaud, D. H. Kim et Seul Bee Lee, On the Lévy constants of Sturmian continued fractions.
  3. 2021, (Ann. Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa 22 (2021), 1691-1704) Y. Bugeaud, D. H. Kim, M. Laurent et A. Nogueira, On the Diophantine nature of the elements of Cantor sets arising in the dynamics of contracted rotations.
  4. 2021, Youness Lamzouri (Universite de Lorraine), Yoonbok Lee (INU, Korea), The number of zeros of linear combinations of L-functions near the critical line.
  5. 2021, Daniel Le, Bao Viet Le Hung, Stefano Morra (University of Paris, Saint-Danis), Chol Park (UNIST, Korea), Zicheng Qian, Moduli of Fontaine--Laffaille representations and a local-global compatibility result.
  6. 2021, Cho, Peter Jaehyun (UNIST, Korea); Fiorilli, Daniel ( CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay) Lee, Yoonbok (INU); S&ouhm;dergren, Anders, Omega results for cubic field counts via lower-order terms in the one-level density.
  7. 2021, (C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 359 (2021), 505-521), YoungJu Choie, François Dumas, François Martin & Emmanuel Royer, Formal deformations of the algebra of Jacobi forms and Rankin-Cohen brackets.
  8. 2020/11/06 , Yuk-Kam Lau, Ming Ho Ng, Emmanuel Royer & Yingnan Wang, A large sieve inequality of Elliott-Montgomery-Vaughan type for Maass forms on $G_n(L,R)$ with applications.
  9. 2020/07/22, Mattia Cavicchi, Frédéric Déglise, Jan Nagel, Motivic decompositions of families with Tate fibers: smooth and singular cases.
  10. 2020/04/20, Yann Bugeaud, Dong Han Kim, Seul Bee Lee, On the Lévy constants of Sturmian continued fractions.
  11. 2020/02/15, Dong Han Kim, Seul Bee Lee, Lingmin Liao, Odd-odd continued fraction algorithm
  12. 2020/01/02, Yann Bugeaud, Dong Han Kim, Michel Laurent, Arnaldo Nogueira, On the Diophantine nature of the elements of Cantor sets arising in the dynamics of contracted rotations
  13. 2018/04/26, Yann Bugeaud, Dong Han Kim, Seonhee Lim, Michal Rams, Hausdorff dimension in inhomogeneous Diophantine approximation
  14. 2015/10/01, Yann Bugeaud, Dong Han Kim, A new complexity function, repetitions in Sturmian words, and irrationality exponents of Sturmian numbers
  15. 2015/08/03, Dong Han Kim, Lingmin Liao, Dirichlet uniformly well-approximated numbers

Preprints of the PDE team
  1. 2021, (Duke Mathematical Journal, To appear) Seonhee Li (SNU, Korea), François Ledrappier (CNRS), Local limit theorem in negative curvature
  2. 2021, I. Seo, C. Landim, D. Marcondes, A resolvent approach to metastability
  3. 2021, Matthieu Alfaro (LMRS), Thomas Giletti (IECL), Yong-Jung Kim, Gwena&euhm;l Peltier (IMAG), Hyowon Seo (KHU), On the modelling of spatially heterogeneous nonlocal diffusion: deciding factors and preferential position of individuals
  4. 2021, (Journal of Mathematical Biology 83 (2021), 1-40), E. Brocchieri, L. Corrias, H. Dietert, and Yong-Jung Kim, Evolution of dietary diversity and a starvation driven cross-diffusion system as its singular limit
  5. 2021, (Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series), Kim, Jeongho and Perthame, Benoît and Salort, Delphine, Fast voltage dynamics of voltage-conductance models for neural networks
  6. 2021, I. Seo, C. Landim, D. Marcondes, Metastable behavior of reversible, critical zero-range processes
  7. 2020/12/15, Stephane Brull, Seok-Bae Yun: Stationary Flows of the ES-BGK model with the correct Prandtl number
  8. 2020/10/20, Elisabetta Brocchieri (LaMME), Lucilla Corrias, Helge Dietert (IMJ-PRG, UMR 7586), Yong-Jung Kim : Evolution of dietary diversity and a starvation driven cross-diffusion system as its singular limit
  9. 2019, Laurent Desvillettes Yong-Jung Kim Ariane Trescases Changwook Yoon: A logarithmic chemotaxis model featuring global existence and aggregation

Preprints of the Probability team