Responsables : Maxime Bombar et Sabrina Kunzweiler
The period matrix of a smooth complex projective variety encodes the isomorphism between its singular homology and its algebraic De Rham cohomology. Numerical approximations with sufficient precision of the entries of the period matrix may be used to study transcendental properties of varieties. Such numbers also arise in the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, as well as its generalisations in higher dimensions, such as the Deligne conjecture. Approximations of the periods can be obtained from an effective description of the homology of the variety, which itself can be obtained from the monodromy representation associated to a generic fibration. We will describe these methods and show how they can be used to generate numerical evidence of the Deligne conjecture for certain Calabi-Yau threefolds.
We consider the problem of finding the minimum of inhomogeneous Gaussian lattice sums: Given a lattice L in an n-dimensional Euclidean space V and a positive constant a, the goal is to find the points z in V that minimize the sum of the potential exp(-a ||x - z||^2) over all the points x in L.
By a result of Bétermin and Petrache from 2017 it is known that for steep potential energy functions (when a tends to infinity) the minimum in the limit goes to a deep hole of the lattice.
The goal of this talk is to strengthen this result for lattices with a lot of symmetries: We prove that the deep holes of root lattices are already the exact minimizers for all a>a0 for some finite a0. Moreover, we prove that such a stability result can only occur for lattices with strong algebraic structure.
After introducing the problem, we will discuss how to design and solve exactly an LP bound for spherical designs, which allows to prove that the deep holes are local minimizers.
The end of the argument follows from a covering argument involving a precise control of the parameters around the lattice points.
Joint work with C. Bachoc, F. Vallentin and M. Zimmermann
Afficher 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - antérieurs