Time schemes

Several time schemes have been implemented, we distinguish explicit time-schemes from implicit time-schemes. You can use the implementation of time schemes provided by Montjoie for your own evolution problem. The model problem is the first-order evolution problem :

An example of use of time schemes for this equation is detailed below

class MyFunction
public : 
  void EvaluateFunction(const Real_wp& t, VectReal_wp& u, VectReal_wp& gU)
    // you fill g(t, U) in vector gU
    gU(0) = u(1);
    gU(1) = -u(0);

// instance of MyFunction
MyFunction sys;

// for example we consider Runge-Kutta explicit scheme
RungeKutta_Iterator<Real_wp> RK;

// initialization of coefficients by giving the order

// initialization of the scheme by providing the first iterate and time step
Real_wp t0 = 0, dt = 0.01;
VectReal_wp U0(N);
RK.SetInitialCondition(t0, dt, U0, sys);

// then loop in times
for (int nt = 0; nt < nb_max_iterations; nt++)
    // computation of U^n+1
    // the result is present in RK.Y
    RK.Advance(t, nt, sys);

// you can release memory used by the time scheme (intermediary vectors)

Time schemes for first-order evolution systems

RungeKutta_Iterator explicit Runge-Kutta schemes
Talezer_Iterator explicit Tal-ezer schemes
AdamsBashforth_Moulton_Iterator explicit Adams-Bashforth-Moulton schemes
TaylorSeries_Iterator explicit scheme based on Taylor expansion
LowStorageRK_Iterator explicit low-storage Runge-Kutta schemes
MultiStepButcher_Iterator explicit multistep Butcher's schemes
OptimalModifiedEquation_Iterator optimal modified equation schemes
SdirkScheme_Iterator Singly-diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta schemes
SdirkScheme_Iterator Singly-diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta schemes
LocalImperialeScheme_Iterator local-time stepping with optimal modified equation approach (Imperiale's scheme)
LocalPipernoScheme_Iterator local-time stepping with symplectic approach (Piperno's scheme)
ModifiedEquationSystemIterator modified equation approach

Time schemes for second-order evolution systems

TetaScheme_Iterator implicit theta-scheme
ModifiedEquationIterator modified equation approach

Functions related to unsteady simulations

RunTimeScheme completes time simulation of a first-order evolution system
RunFirstOrderScheme completes time simulation of a first-order evolution system
RunSecondOrderScheme completes time simulation of a second-order evolution system
ExtractSubMesh extraction of a small mesh for the computation of the local time step
EvaluateCFL evaluation of the global CFL number
ComputeLocalTimeStep computation of the local CFL for each element of the mesh

Functions related to unsteady simulations

RunTimeScheme completes time simulation of a first-order evolution system

Public methods of VarInstationary

GetNbDof returns the size of the evolution system
GetNormeSolution returns the L2 norm of the solution
WriteSnapshot writes outputs (if needed) at a given time
FirstOrderScheme returns true if the evolution system involves only first-order derivatives
ImplicitScheme returns true if the selected scheme is implicit
SetTimeScheme sets the time scheme to use
InitTimeIterations initialisation beforing running time iterations
GetCflScheme returns the coefficient involved in stability condition of the selected time scheme
ComputeStiffnessMatrix computes stiffness matrix
ComputeMassMatrix computes mass and damping matrix
GiveLevelTime initialization of time levels for local time-stepping
SetLevel sets level (which part of stiffness matrix will be involved)
GetNumberOfUnknowns computes and returns the size of the evolution system
GetNbScalarUnknowns returns the number of degrees of freedom for the scalar unknown
GetNbVectorialUnknowns returns the number of degrees of freedom for the vectorial unknown
GetNbVectorialUnknownsPML returns the number of degrees of freedom for the vectorial unknown and for PML elements
RunTimeIterations runs time iterations
RunAll runs complete simulation (from reading input file until writing snapshots at regular time intervals)
EvaluateFunction evaluation of g(t,U) in the evolution system du/dt = g(t, U)
EvaluateDerivativeFunction evaluation of time derivatives of g(t,U) in the evolution system du/dt = g(t, U)
ApplyOperatorKh multiplication by stiffness matrix
ApplyOperatorDh multiplication by scalar mass matrix
ApplyOperatorSh multiplication by scalar damping matrix
ApplyOperatorShVectorial multiplication by vectorial damping matrix
ApplyOperatorDhMinusdtSh multiplication by matrix Dh - Δ t/2 Sh
SolveOperatorDhPlusdtSh resolution by matrix Dh + Δ t/2 Sh
SolveOperatorDh resolution by scalar mass matrix
SolveCholeskyDh resolution of system L x = y or LT x = y where Dh = L LT
SolveOperatorDhPlusGammaKh resolution by matrix Dh + γ Kh
ApplyOperatorRhScalar multiplication by scalar stiffness matrix
ApplyOperatorRhVectorial multiplication by vectorial stiffness matrix
ApplyOperatorBhMinusdtSh multiplication by matrix Bh - Δ t/2 Sh
SolveOperatorBhPlusdtSh resolution by matrix Bh + Δ t/2 Sh
SolveOperatorBh resolution by vectorial mass matrix
SolveMassMatrix resolution by mass matrix
Assemble assembles global vector (for parallel computations)
SetInitialVector computation of the initial condition
GiveIterate method called in RunTimeScheme to provide an iterate
GiveVectorialIterate method called in RunFirstOrderScheme to provide the vectorial iterate
GiveFinalIterate method called in RunTimeScheme to provide the final iterate
GiveNumberIterations method called in RunTimeScheme to provide the number of iterations